Fr. Volpi, Commissar over Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, has died.

From Corrispondenza Italiana:

E’ morto padre Fidenzio Volpi … Fr. Fidenzio Volpi is dead.

I Frati Minori Cappuccini della Provincia di S. Carlo in Lombardia hanno annunciato la morte di Padre Fidenzio Volpi, all’età di 75 anni. Le esequie verranno celebrate a Roma nella Basilica di San Lorenzo al Verano mercoledì 10 giugno alle ore 10 e nella Chiesa di Ognissanti del Cimitero di Bergamo giovedì 11 giugno alle ore 10. Nel luglio 2013 la Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, aveva esautorato i vertici dei Francescani dell’Immacolata, nominando padre Fidenzio Volpi commissario apostolico.

Fr. Volpi was the Commissar set over the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.  A funeral is on Wednesday in Rome and again in Bergamo on 11 June.  That makes it pretty much official.

Say a prayer for his soul.

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Elizabeth D says:

    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace. Amen.

    Jesus please help Your Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to be better than ever at building up Your Kingdom. Amen.

  2. Fr. Volpi, rest in peace.

  3. jbelleza89 says:

    Fecit potentiam in brachio suo;
    dispersit superbos mente cordis sui

  4. Prayerful says:

    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of the faithfully departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

    Fr Volpi did grave harm to a once vibrant order. He needs the prayers. I hope Pope Francis bring the visitation to a conclusion and allow the FFI to celebrate the Mass of Ages once more.

  5. Legisperitus says:

    May Fr. Volpi’s soul be in a place from which he, with perfected understanding and wisdom, may intercede for his successor.

  6. I hope he will intercede for the FFI, now that he knows everything. I will pray for him AND ask him to intercede.

  7. stephen c says:

    Apparently he had a stroke about a month ago. I hope that he had the best care possible from that time until the time of his death. For what it’s worth, the sort of person who gets stuck with a difficult job such as the job he was given at 73 (or 72) is likely the sort of person who could have, if he had not given his life to the service of the Church, made a lot of money and really enjoyed to the maximum the things of this earth (including a peaceful retirement). Agree with Father Volpi or not, he apparently gave half a century of service as a priest to those he cared for. If any significant fraction of the people we meet every day were half so giving, we would all be a lot happier, I think. I will offer sincere prayers for him without thinking that he especially needs them.

  8. Animadversor says:

    May the Reverend Father Fidenzio soon see the face of his Lord in glory and be before the Same an unceasing advocate for the well-being of all the daughters and sons of Saint Francis.

  9. excalibur says:

    May God have Mercy on his soul. I will pray for his soul.

    I hope people have, and are, praying for the soul of Father Nicholas Gruner. I believe Father Gruner was right about Our Lady’s request having never been fulfilled. We see that today with Putin’s Russia. We are heading ever faster towards cataclysm without the consecration of Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart.

    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

  10. Nicolas Bellord says:

    I have said a prayer for him. However I am often tempted to want to be a fly on the wall when someone, whom I think has got it badly wrong, arrives at the pearly gates and discovers the truth!

  11. Gabriel Syme says:

    RIP Fr Volpi.

  12. Liz says:

    Prayers for his soul.

  13. Fr_Sotelo says:

    Fr. Volpi was conscripted by the pope to oversee a task of immense difficulty. Most friars would have said no, but he said yes.

    Most will never work for the Church and know what it is like to be asked to take all of the blame, and none of the credit, for following orders from above. I am glad he is no longer suffering. “Judica me Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.”

  14. w0343009 says:

    Philippa Martyr, I guess that will be his Purgatory. That is…..getting to know the truth and interceding for those on Earth.

  15. discipulus says:

    Whatever faults he may have committed in his life, I pray that he is now at the Mercy of God.

    Requiescat in pace.

  16. Philippa Martyr, I guess that will be his Purgatory. That is…..getting to know the truth and interceding for those on Earth.

    Then again, it’s nice to think that he might have gotten his plenary indulgence on his deathbed, and been granted its full remission, and gone straight to Heaven. That would save some time. But the Holy Souls are good intercessors as well, of course.

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