At onenewsnow we find this about Nancy “the theologian” Pelosi, stooge for bi-business abortion.
Who’s to blame for Pelosi? Her church…
A prominent pro-life organization is calling on the Roman Catholic Church to send a signal to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Over the years, through her actions and statements, Pelosi has portrayed herself as one of the most pro-abortion lawmakers on Capitol Hill, stating in the past that the right to abortion is a “sacred” issue with her. More recently, however, she has taken heat from pro-abortion forces for stating she doesn’t “believe in abortion on demand” and that her thinking is in line with Catholic doctrine. [Who believes that?]
Judie Brown of American Life League points out the California Democrat – in making that statement – is not condemning her past record on abortion.
“She isn’t saying that her support for abortion on demand is a sin and that she is repenting in public,” says Brown. “All she’s saying is that at a given moment on a given day, she doesn’t believe in abortion on demand; but given another day and another moment, she might contradict herself, because that seems to be the way she lives her life.”
So the pro-life leader doesn’t take stock in the Catholic politician’s most recent declaration about abortion. But Brown tells OneNewsNow that there’s another side to the debate.
“We are at fault as Catholics, as the church, for this kind of statement from her,” says the ALL president and cofounder, “because the bishops have been very reticent to correct her, to call her out, to say that she’s made a terrible error and she may not receive communion until she repents. [And it must be public.] And so now she’s free to say whatever she wants.”
Brown concludes there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around – not just with liberal Catholic politicians like Pelosi, but also the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. [Indeed.]
Can. 915.

Well put. Pelosi’s clown act wouldn’t be exasperating without churchmen at best failing to use their proper authority, or at worst tacitly approving of the shenanigans via silence.
why are the church leaders afraid of someone like pelosi? because fear is the only reason i can think of that would keep them silent. it galls me that many of the humble priests in our communities have far more courage than these bishops who are elevated to leadership stature which they apparently do not deserve.
It’s been reported that Mrs. Pelosi was publically rebuked by her Archbishop. The article says, “U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s claim that her pro-abortion agenda is compatible with the Catholic faith represents a “fundamental misconception” of church teaching, according to Archbishop George H. Niederauer .”
Here is what her current bishop, Archbishop Cordileone, has said on the matter:
Somehow we need to remind CATHOLIC MEDIA that when an Archbishop publicly rebukes a politician or well known person for this type of apostasy, they should publicize not only the act that incurred the sanction but the sanction as well. No one should have to SEARCH for the rebuke. Especially when the actions or comments of the Catholic person involved can lead others to grave sin.
Bishops will never comment on or call out someone in another bishop’s diocese. They let each take care of his own. Subsidiarity and all.
“Bishops will never comment on or call out someone in another bishop’s diocese. They let each take care of his own. Subsidiarity and all.”
While such a policy might have made sense when the world was a smaller place it is ill suited for the modern age when someone can blast their scandal across the globe, while the individual bishop’s voice hardly makes the local news.
It is absolutely true that the Church is to blame here for not taking strong action. Archbishop Rummel had no problem excommunicating segregationists, nor should he have. Somehow the post Vatican II bishops lack the clear moral compass and backbone of Rummel and the other bishops of history. Her bishop should not withhold communion from Pelosi. He should clearly and unequivocally excommunicate her. She has waved her membership in the Catholic Church like a flag for thirty years, all the while supporting murder of the innocent. She should be excommunicated with the strong message that public renunciation of her support for abortion is the only path back to communion with the Church. If she has a problem with that let her appeal to Rome.
Meanwhile, since other bishops are so reticent in interfering let them honor the actions of her bishop and respect his action and not interfere by acknowledging his right to act and supporting his decision.
Lest we forget, back in August of 2008 then-Speaker Pelosi appeared on Meet the
Press and opined that the Church’s teaching on abortion wasn’t settled and that
her advocacy of abortion was perfectly in line with Catholic teaching. Naturally, there
was a great deal of disagreement about that from laity and clergy alike.
Pelosi’s Ordinary at the time, Archbishop Niederauer of San Francisco stepped in and
issued a statement saying in part “… as her pastor, I am writing to invite her into a
conversation with me about these matters. It is my obligation to teach forthrightly
and to shepherd caringly, and that is my intent.” Pelosi responded by stating that she
was very, very busy but that she’d love to meet with her Archbishop just as soon as she
Six months later (!), the two finally met at a private home in San Francisco. Pelosi
spokesman Brendan Daly issued a statement calling the meeting “… cordial and pleasant…
a fair exchange and good.” When asked if that meant Pelosi had changed her position on
abortion at all, Daly replied “You won’t see that happening. She is not changing her
position on abortion.”
Which brings me to my question: Pelosi’s actions in this instance would seem to be a
textbook example of obstinate perseverance in manifest grave sin– by a public figure, on
national television, no less. If she isn’t administered the strong medicine of being
denied the Sacraments until she repents, then, pray tell, who should be?