The Roman ceremonies of the Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage have begun. We are jammed into a tiny church on the V. S. Giovanni Decollato (a favorite feast).
Card. Castrillon arrived a bit ago. I’m not sure why the choir sang Tota Pulchra Est.
I’ll have more to say about the day later but mass is about to start.
Card Burke and Archbp Sample are in choro.
Meanwhile, on of the …rare things one could spot while here in these days.
Behold a rarissima avis. The illusive and abolished cotta griccia. Which makes one look rather like a sausage.
I’ll back track to earlier in this busy day. First a visit to the lovely Santa Maria della Pace…
What’s wrong with this picture?
On my way to lunch with the vocation director of a really important diocese.
After lunch, a stop in Gammarelli to pick up a couple important things.
There are lots of things being prepared for cardinals. Here is some lace… this is called “filet”.
And here is the top of a classic Roman style alb, with arricciatura.
Seminarians waiting for a pre-rehearsal rehearsal.
What it looks like to be in a nighttime candlelight procession in the streets of Rome.
Entering the church… S.M. in Campitelli.
Cardinal Burke after the procession
Is Tota Pulchra Es ever untimely?
Wonderful, again. You’ve also introduced me to Vibert, via the random banners on your blog title, and I’ve been enjoying his paintings rather a lot this morning. They’re very funny in a gentle way, and each cardinal has such personality! They’re like still shots from The Three Musketeers (the George Fraser version).
Semi-celebratory mood here: my husband of 22 years completed his Rite of Acceptance; now he’ll have to sit with the other catechumens at mass, at least until Easter. Pray for him!
Heavenly pics!
And Many Happy Returns of the Day!
Why, why are beautiful things practically banned in my diocese?
Santa Maria della Pace a favorite of Monsignor John Williams. Very limited hours for visiting. We had to get by there several times before we were able to get in. Our Lady of Peace, Pray for Us.
“I’m not sure why the choir sang Tota Pulchra Est.” But, let us think to sing, “Mnogaja Ljeta!”
S.M. in Campitelli — my favorite Baroque church in Rome, not even designed by Bernini or Borromini! A work of genius. Was this Mass part of the Populus Summorum Pontificum program?
Happy belated birthday, Father!