I get quite a few books for review. I can’t handle all of them, but this one, for sure, I will recommend even before I read it… and I will read it. This is timely.
To give you a sense of the thrust of the book, the Introduction is entitled: “Half a Millennium of Total Depravity (1517-2017): A Critique of Luther’s Impact in the Year of His ‘Catholic’ Apotheosis”. In other words, this is not an unqualified “RAH! RAH! FOR THE REFORMATION!”
In a way, I wish that I had 30 copies of this, to give to the seminarians and deacons of the diocese in August. Instead I chose Tracey Rowland’s terrific new book Catholic Theology.
But I digress.
Next, as a perfect counterpoint to the LutherFest book, a kind reader sent something about which I have already written and which is also advertised on the side bar.
This is a truly lovely book, informative and engaging. A great tool for learning about our Latin liturgical tradition and the older, traditional form of Holy Mass.
This is Treasure and Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass
Some pics. Remember, that reverent and faithful sacred worship is doctrine, a great counter to heresy.
The illustrations are plentiful and lush and interesting. It would be a great gift to someone who may be thinking about the TLM. Or… if you are going to invite someone to a TLM for the first time, perhaps get them a copy of this book.
Dear Fr Z.
I have recently received my Copy of this wonderful Catholic Book and I unhesitatingly recommend it to ALL your Readers.
This Book puts into perspective a lot of things that have been removed from Holy Mother Church in the last fifty years.
It is extremely important that Catholics are now made aware of what we all need to do, in order to recover true Catholic Worship.
Every Catholic home and every Catholic Presbytery should have a Copy of this beautiful book.
[You describe it as “Copy”. Very 19th century. That’s approval indeed. I look forward to another pint of Shepherd Neame.]
We got this two years ago when we first began attending an FSSP parish here in the Midwest. This book is really beautiful, and I have learned a lot about the Mass and its Scriptural underpinnings, as well as all kinds of other things.
One thing of special note is that every Latin word is given, as well as how to pronounce it, AND with a literal translation to the side, so that you can find out exactly what Father is saying if you only hear one or two words but know generally where you are. And in the front and back covers, it gives pictures of where the priest and servers are at various points, and their postures, so that if you get lost, you can figure it out just from that.
Luther was an often drunk ex-monk who married a nun, he claimed to have had “farting matches” with the devil (Cf Triumph, H.W. Crocker), and said that “a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts…”
What a bizarre and strange man Luther was. That he started the protestant revolution is telling; Christ was the foundation of the Catholic and Orthodox faiths, Luther the foundation of his own religion..
As any reader knows, book-hype can be numbing, but Treasure and Tradition is all that and then some. It would be an outstanding gift for a First Communicant or Confirmand in a traditional parish.
treasure and tradition was recommended to me to help my kids with the Latin mass when we first started attending. my wife and I found it amazing for everyone in our family. The best part was that it showed the position of the priest at key points which helped to acclimate one to the EF. years later it is still a solid read and I heartily recommend it to others. good pick Father
Dear Fr Z.
Your Pint of Shepherd Neame has been ordered.
Next time you visit “Perfidious Albion”, ’tis yours.
in Domino.
[Bishops Finger?]
Treasure and Tradition looks amazing so I checked to see if it was on sale over her in England. It is avalable at http://www.cenacle.co.uk/treasure-tradition-the-ultimate-guide-to-the-latin-mass.html for £18.50 with a standard £3.50 post. I have no shares in Cenacle or involvement with it but I can recomend it as an excellect shop for Catholic Books, Missals, Statues etc etc
Two or so years ago, a kind parishioner arranged a discounted bulk buy of Treasure and Tradition for interested members of our parish. This might be a way to encourage the purchase of this beautiful and useful book.
Really can’t recommend it enough.
Dear Fr Z.
Reference your, perfectly legitimate, query of “Bishops Finger ?”, and being a Local Politician of several years’ standing, I feel I must point your Readers in the direction of Sir Ian Richards’ comment in “HOUSE OF CARDS” (see, Link, below), which states: “I couldn’t POSSIBLY comment”.
Link is at: https://youtu.be/Oz8RjPAD2Jk
To those Readers unaware of the saliency of all of the above, ” Bishops Finger ” is a very popular Beer in England.
in Domino
When I learned about the Catholic difference between INFUSION vs Lutheran Imputation, I was convinced of the true Catholic understanding of grace and justification. We aren’t dung heaps covered over by Christ, but we are wholly transformed as men or as women from glory to glory despite our unworthiness, etc.
It is most appropriate to take a second look at Luther during this semi millennial year. What few realize is that his musings and writings are almost unintelligible in themselves. It was left to his follower, Melanchthon, to sort out the inanities and contradictions and come up with some sort of unified theology. He was not especially successful and interpretations tended to be rather fluid to suit the locale. The splits among the denomination here in the US are examples. That Pope Francis would even deign to acknowledge the event is distressing as the negative effects on Christendom can hardly be discounted.