Card. Burke’s smashing @Buckfast_Abbey talk on Message of Fatima

cardinal burke smThere is a video of the talk, but the audio is really bad.  So, I extracted the audio from the video and cleaned it up.

Wanna hear it?  It’s classic Burke and hard hitting.


There is a LifeSite story about the talk.  HERE  It includes a way to download the text of the Cardinal’s speech.  HERE


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Maynardus says:

    Hard hitting indeed, but isn’t this how a Shepherd should speak. Not only does he have good, simple spiritual advice for the Faithful, but he goes on to *teach* about the Faith rather than opining, conjecturing, or theorizing. No ambiguities… and some very useful definitions!

    I don’t think it is at all a coincidence that the good Cardinal chose to expound upon the definition of Apostasy. Read through the section in which H.E. explains the forms of “implicit apostasy”, whereby “those who, without themselves having formally apostatized, listen willingly to apostates and, by their words or actions, approve, at least in general, their manner of thinking and of speaking, and ask yourself: of whom could he be speaking?

    The Cardinal continues: “There are also “fautores apostatis” who favor a cooperation, positive or negative, with apostasy. They are guilty of negative cooperation who “being held by office to denounce, pursue or punish apostates, fail in their obligation.” Again, without naming names, a very provocative point.

    Lest we be in any doubt at this point that he is only speaking of hippie Fr. Feelgood of St. Elsewhere’s or the theological faculty of B.C. (“Barely Catholic” a.k.a. Boston College) he ties this all to his main theme of Fatima while leaving no doubt to whom he is referring:

    “The teaching of the Faith in its integrity and with courage is the heart of the office of the Church’s pastors: the Roman Pontiff, the Bishops in communion with the See of Peter, and their principal co-workers, the priests. For that reason, the Third Secret [of Fatima] is directed, with particular force, to those who exercise the pastoral office in the Church. Their failure to teach the faith, in fidelity to the Church’s constant doctrine and practice, whether through explicit declarations and actions or through a superficial, confused or even worldly approach, or through their silence endangers mortally, in the deepest spiritual sense, the very souls for whom they have been consecrated to care spiritually. The poisonous fruits of the failure of the Church’s pastors is seen in a manner of worship, of teaching and of moral discipline which is not in accord with Divine Law.”


    Again, lest anyone try to convince themselves or others that the Cardinal is speaking in the abstract, he clarifies and specifies while reminding the Faithful of the eternal consequences:

    “We think about the ever more diffuse confusion and error in the Church about the foundations of the faith – about the Holy Eucharist and Holy Matrimony, about the truth of the Holy Scriptures – and of the moral life, about acts which are always and everywhere evil and about the just punishment of sin, including eternal damnation for the soul which remains unrepentant of grievous sin. And all of this, in many places, not only goes uncorrected by the clear announcement of the Church’s constant teaching and practice, but is condoned and even promoted by those charged by Our Lord with the care of souls. We are not talking about theoretical questions but about a confusion and error which endangers the salvation of souls. Let us not forget the words of Our Lady of Fatima regarding the reality of Hell in the first part of the Secret with its two essential contents: the terrifying vision of Hell and the offer of God’s healing peace through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that souls may be saved from a life of grievous or mortal sin and its fruit: eternal death. At a time when the world has never needed more the clear and courageous witness of the Church, she appears not to know herself, her identity in Christ Who comes to us through the unbroken Apostolic Tradition.”

    Wow. Just… wow!

    We’ve been waiting for the “Fraternal Correction” to take the form of some kind of ecclesiastical drama, but given the scenario of a pope who refuses to acknowledge dubia or grant audiences to cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, exactly how should we expect this “Fraternal Correction” to be delivered? A broadside nailed to the doors the Domus Sanctae Marthae? An open letter published in the Times of London? Via social media? Inasmuch as the gravamina of the matter have been sufficiently treated e.g. in the Dubia and the “Filial Correction”, I think it is very possible that “IT” has finally begun.

    I hope you will excuse the length of this post, I felt the quotations were necessary to make my point… but DO go and read the whole thing, it is indeed SMASHING!

  2. KateW. says:

    I had the privilege of hearing His Eminence speak at Buckfast Abbey, thanks be to God. His Eminence spoke the truth with great humility. Thank you for providing a link to the text of Cardinal Burke’s keynote speech, it is something that I will need to read again and again.
    I was nearby when His Grace Bishop Mark O’Toole gave a warm and friendly welcome to the Cardinal and his words brought tears to my eyes.


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