Your Good News

Do you have good news for the readership?  I haven’t asked for some time.  It is always pleasant to hear how grace is working in your lives.

I survived the Triduum.  I’m making some important decisions for the TMSM.  I made some progress with some remote Ham Radio issues last night, with help, though ZedNet has been too quiet.  Also, the weather is soooo much better.  Sunlight helps.  I am making my way through books as if they were apples.  I’ve put away the “Space Trilogy” in the last few days, which I haven’t read for some 40 years. [US HERE – UK HERE]  I’m working on the Pillars of the Earth series now.  [US HERE – UK HERE]

Here is some really good news.   There will be a Pontifical Mass at the Faldstool in an American seminary.  I spotted this at NLM.

This Saturday, April 27, His Excellency Glen Provost, bishop of Lake Charles, Louisiana, will celebrate a Pontifical Mass at the faldstool in the chapel of Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, beginning at 8:30 am (CDT). The seminary is located at 2901 Carollton Avenue; the Mass is open to the public, and will also be livestreamed via the seminary’s Facebook page.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    Pre- 55 Holy Week.
    Solemn High liturgies for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Vigil. High Mass (only) on Easter morning.

    My choir director made the gracious decision to have us sing a four-part arrangement ( which I rote) of Agincourt for the text of Vexilla Regis at the first procession of the altar party on Palm Sunday.

    Upcoming graduation of son from high school and eldest son from single state to married state.

  2. Patrick71 says:

    My traditional parish celebrated our first Holy Week as a parish in a big tent that seats 500. Two adult baptisms and half dozen confirmations and first communions.

  3. Bonaventurian says:

    I survived Lent, failed on one of my promises, but walked away with a newfound devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Plus, I was able to attend the Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil TLMs at Pine Bluff, so it was a pretty good Holy Week.

  4. Closettraddy says:

    On Holy Saturday, my little parish had a Confessional booth installed. Years ago the parish was wreckovated – Kneelers torn out, high altar dismantled and sold off for art projects, and at some point the confessional booth was also torn out.

    It has been a lot of work and my husband and I have taken a lot of heat (especially from the boomers), but last year we paid to construct a tabernacle which was placed in the very center of the sanctuary, removed the resurrecifix, replaced it with a large stained glass self-lit window (of our crucified Lord with Our Lady on one side and St. John on the other), purchased a golden crucifix for the table altar, put back the kneelers and returned St. Joseph to his niche (where they’d stuck a crappy concrete block tabernacle).

    We are so grateful for our parish priest who allowed us to finance all these projects and make them happen.

    Last of all was adding that confessional. We got no thanks (they had wanted a reconciliation room) and lots of dirty looks. But my heart rejoices and I continue to pray for the faith to increase in this little church that has been more Protestant than Catholic for so long.

    Pray for us!

  5. KAS says:

    Well, Space Weather Woman on Youtube has been expanding on the sorts of reports she does, and doing more talking about when the situation is going to be better or worse for GPS and HAM radio. I’m finding it fascinating.

    Car needs work and it looks like I may have to cancel going on the campout I was dreading. DREADING. AND there are some strong thunderstorms, maybe the park will flood a bit? Maybe it will decide to rain all weekend? I REALLY want a break to SLEEP IN– and if I cannot go this weekend it will be BLISS.

    Also, if I cannot camp, I can spend some time in my HAM instruction book attempting to understand what needs to be comprehended to take the test and talk on a radio. So it would be really wonderful if I cannot go camping this weekend!

  6. L. says:

    ONE (he competes with Fr. Hunwicke, after all) of my favorite internet Priests survived a motorcycle attack in a foreign country and appears to be doing relatively well.

  7. Gab says:

    Fr. Edmond Nyoka baptised 87 people in Mzuzu, Malawi during the Easter Vigil!
    St Bernadette, ora pro eis.

  8. AureEntuluva says:

    I recently got accepted into graduate school and more recently accepted said admission. I’m attending to receive a Masters in Teaching degree.

    I’ve never gotten around to “The Space Trilogy.” I enjoyed “The Pillars of the Earth,” but gave up on the second book due to a lesbian nun subplot and plots with silly negativity about the Church

  9. raven31 says:

    For Easter Sunday TLM at a parish near my college, we had a choir ready but not enough altar boys for High Mass, as most of us are students at my college and went home for Easter. 5 seminiarians in cassocks showed up unexpectedly and suddenly we went from 3 servers to 8. None were very familiar with the TLM, but two of them had served as acolytes at a High Mass once before, and two more offered to be torch bearers. I had the most experience serving the TLM with 6 months, so I had to serve as MC, which I had never done before nor even been taught to do. By the grace of God, no one made any major mistakes and Easter Mass went incredibly smoothly.

  10. JonPatrick says:

    My youngest son who is getting married next month was having to deal with an hour and a half commute to work in a different state, found an equivalent job only 15 minutes from their future home.

    As I near retirement at the end of this year, we put our current house on the market expecting it to take a while to sell, it had offers after 1 day and the sale should go through this week. God has been good to us lately.

    Our retirement home will also be my QTH for my Ham radio operation. I have been assembling bits and pieces to be able to go on the air on HF. Just have to figure out what kind of antenna to put up.

  11. richiedel says:

    It seems Bishop Hying being appointed to the Diocese of Madison is good news.

  12. carndt says:

    My precious daughter is 30 years old on April 25. She recently married a loving man. They have moved to Grand Rapids, MI for him to start a new job. Pray for their new life together.

  13. The flowers are blooming, the trees are green.
    Our statues were veiled progressively over the first few days of Passion week. The Sunday morning Masses for Palm Sunday saw Father begin and process in a red cope. Easter Vigil was three and a half hours long, with three baptisms, a profession of faith (by a friend of mine) and five Confirmations.
    The Chant Workshop at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in St. Louis is next weekend.
    It’s Easter.

  14. Ame E. says:

    This Easter marked my 20th year as a Catholic. Time flies. Last night we got to venerate St. Jean Vianney’s relic at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Ran into many familiar faces, including a family we had not seen in many, many years. The mom prepared both of my now grown kids for first holy communion many years ago. Very blessed.

  15. lgreen515 says:

    On Tuesday of Holy Week I made a pilgrimage to Wheeling, WV to venerate the relic of St. John Vianney. I saw the solemn procession and sang Matins with the congregation. It was very beautiful, and I felt close to the good saint.

  16. Charivari Rob says:

    It was a nice Holy Week and Easter Sunday, bookended at our own parish and visiting several others along the way.
    Got to the Cathedral for Good Friday – saw the results of renovation/restoration work. Beautiful.

  17. JamesA says:

    OORAH for Notre Dame Seminary !
    Archbishop Aymond, a good man but no fan of Latin or tradition, was very pastoral in allowing this. He is pretty generous that way.

  18. Kathleen10 says:

    It is late and I don’t have time tonight to read all the good news, but look forward to reading it tomorrow. Right now good news is badly needed. My good news is everybody’s good news, the sweet little baby, the 5 year old thrown over the balcony so cruelly by the Islamist in Michigan, [Minnesota] is reportedly doing very well, NO brain damage, and his injuries are not as serious as initially thought. His mother, there to see her baby thrown over the balcony by a man whose heart is full of malice, said immediately, “Pray! Pray for my baby!” as her boy lay broken on the mall floor. He was not breathing. Thrown about 40 feet down and landing on concrete.
    It is a miracle, truly, a miracle, that this innocent child lives at all, but that he may be in relatively good shape, all glory and honor goes to Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and we feel extremely grateful for this today. Many prayers across the nation went up for that baby.

  19. iPadre says:

    Both sadness and joy. My father was called home by the Lord on Holy Thursday morning. Born on the eve of Our Lord’s birth, died on the eve of Our Lord’s death. Today, I celebrated a Solemn Requimem funeral Mass for the repose of his soul. Many people shared with my mother and I how he touched lives and brought people back to the Church. I am grateful to the Father in heaven for giving me such a great father.

  20. KAS says:

    UPDATE: well, van got fixed, everything fell into place. I think my 9 yr old was praying to get to go on this campout and trumped my hoping to avoid it. Van is packed and the weather is PERFECT. Sigh. NO electronics. NO place to plug anything in. But I was able to acquire a pop-up tent light enough I can carry it, and a new cot more comfortable than the older ones.

    So the good news is the kid is ecstatic that I have to go camping this weekend.

    Also, unless the queen absconded, the new colony in bees in the hive is doing pretty well. Everything is in bloom.

  21. Kathleen10 says:

    ipadre, I’m sorry for your loss. What incredible days to be born and to go home to the Lord.
    The church we used to belong to lost a very devoted and kind deacon during Holy Week. It seems a privilege to pass during that time.
    So glad for everybody’s good news.

  22. R. Guadalupe says:

    This post is a little late, but I want to thank you, Fr. Z, for all of your wonderful podcasts.

    I fell away from the Church for a few years and have had the strong desire to return to Our Lord again. I’ve listened to them every day during Lent and it has given me the strength to end a relationship that prevented me from returning. This means I will probably be living in my car, but it is worth it. Every time you wrote, “Go to Confession!” it was like thunder in my heart. I am going to confession today. I pray that I might be able to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion tomorrow. I have been making a novena to St. Joseph and have included you. God bless you and your work! Please don’t ever stop!

  23. APX says:

    It’s snowing and the forecast calls for 10-15 cm of snow. I was getting annoyed with those pesky spring allergies. Finally some relief.

  24. baileymxd says:

    Although we’re losing him as our pastor, Charlotte is getting a heck of a Vicar general tomorrow. Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets his own diocese in ten years or so. Pray for Fr. Winslow!

  25. gdweber says:

    My friend who has been struggling with lymph cancer and received support from many prayers has been declared “in remission” by her oncologist.

    A young man very dear to me, who spent some years away from the Church — far away, among Jehovah’s Witnesses — has returned, attends mass regularly, though he has yet to make his confession and receive communion. Soon, Lord!

    At my parish, throughout this Lent, for the first time in many, many years, we used Gregorian Chant (Missa Simplex) for the ordinary of the mass (in the Ordinary Form).

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