This is largely satisfying in an awful sort of way. Listen to this brainwashed girl, a great example of the subversive work of decades within “education” and pop-TV, etc.
From WND:
Student who ‘steals’ pro-life sign on camera shocked by her arrest
The Created Equal organization stages displays on college campuses to persuade people that abortion is wrong.
Plain and simple.
But something about that message has pushed buttons on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus, where a woman grabbed a sign out of the hands of Created Equal members and walked away with it.
To her dismay, however, she walked right into the arms of a police officer and was arrested for larceny.
Caught red handed, she told the officer: “I was going to give it back.”
Watch! She’s the victim!
Well, duh! I guess she thought with all her excuses that she is beyond the law. People!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I’ve always greatly detested bullies from a very young age.
Thankfully I was never particularly bullied, but I always allied myself empathetically with the bullied.
This girl would never consider herself a bully. She would never admit it. She is incapable of realizing she is a bully.
She is a bully.
She stole someone’s property because she didnt like them and ran off with it.
If what she took was lunch money it would be so simple.
We would all call her a bully. Because it’s a politically charged sign, most people want extract their own agendas enough to see a bully committing larceny.
Because she is a thoughtless ideologue, she is incapable of realizing that she is just another bully. She doesnt understand that taking someone’s property by force is larceny. A criminal offense. She has no concept of people that she doesnt “like” having “rights” because she is a bully.
I’m glad this officer has the sense to see through the B as in B and S as in S. Taking someone’s personal property from them with brute force is a criminal act of bullying.
The law is a great teacher.
Arrogant entitlement on full display. And such a young person. If I don’t like what you are doing/saying I have the right to silence you and destroy your things. Law? What law? My feelings trump the law. (I feel very sorry for the future spouse or employer of this spoiled child.)
As someone wiser than me once wrote in a comment on this blog: “Satan does good work”. This is a beautiful young woman, and it’s rather tragic that she’s become a thief, and is completely attached to this evil activity of infanticide as “women’s rights”. She’s so afraid of someone expressing an opinion that might cause her and other’s to have to live in a moral way that she’s willing to steel this sign in front of the security police. Probably she’s had an abortion, and is dealing with guilt, and of course is attached to sin. How awful.
To add to what Atra dicenda said:
She is a bully. the fact that she is a small woman and relatively weak compared to the man from whom she stole the sign shows that she is taking advantage of his right sense of constraint against hurting a woman.
She presumes to act with impunity because he acts with restraint. kudos to him.
I wonder whether she could ever be brought to understand that her ability to take the sign from him exists because of what remains of his (and society’s) correct imperative that a man ought to protect a woman and not hit her.
It would seem to me (and I will happily be corrected) that this is an example of moral relativism.
The young lady decided that taking a sign, which did not belong to her, was justifiable. Most people would call this stealing. She did not view it that way. I have to wonder what sort of formation her conscience has received.
This incident reminds me of something similar that happened to me. I had a window sticker made up (from on online source) that had the male and female symbols entwined and next to it: “…and that’s a Natural Fact” (in honor of Grandfunk RR, ‘We’re an American Band’) It was on my truck, back window for a week and then someone ripped it off while i was in a grocery store. I still can’t figure out why they would go to the trouble. But then again my wife asked me the same question.
What I find so sad is that she is so ignorant. She lives in the United States of America, home of the Bill of Rights, and she doesn’t get that this is free speech? I know this is happening in lots of places. And perhaps, had we caught her on a different day, she would have shown comprehension.
There is a desperate need for what used to be called “civics” education. Thank God the police officer had a grasp on things. But given the sad state of understanding of our freedoms, that cannot be taken for granted.
Kudos to the police officer involved, who did a great job, patiently explaining to this mixed-up young woman that her objection to what the sign said, did not justify her stealing it.
And yes, this woman was very much a bully. There are many such bullies running around today, who believe that the purported righteousness of their views, justifies attacking other people (at least verbally and sometimes physically). That is the classic “End justifies the means” fallacy — to say nothing of the injustice of her end — abortion.
Is schadenfreude a sin? Need I go to confession?
She, too, possesses the dignity inherent in all human beings and is deserving of respect.
“Listen to this brainwashed girl, a great example of the subversive work of decades within “education” and pop-TV, etc.” – Fr. Z
Yes indeed, the effects of several generations of Hear Me Roar and Leftist education: in this misguided girl’s mind the “right” to kill a baby must prevail over the rights of free speech and private property. Subversive education and pop-TV are also certainly factors in the increase of female sex predators and female porn addicts.
Atra Dicenda Rubra Agenda:
“She has no concept of people that she doesnt “like” having “rights” because she is a bully.”
Fr. Kelly (his point applies also to the second WND video of the female assaulting the male):
“…she is taking advantage of his right sense of constraint against hurting a woman. She presumes to act with impunity because he acts with restraint. Kudos to him…her ability to take the sign from him exists because of what remains of his (and society’s) correct imperative that a man ought to protect a woman and not hit her.”
On a separate but related note, recently in Oregon a Women for Trump rally was harassed by a mob of the so-called “Antifa.” The mob was comprised of adult males and females, many wearing masks, some of whom brought their children, who also wore masks. One masked man in front of the masked children brandished a chainsaw at the Women for Trump.
Fr. Fox:
“There is a desperate need for what used to be called “civics” education.”
Hidden One: You are confusing courtesy, dignity, and respect. Respect, despite its distorted use in pop culture where it is essentially demanded, is earned.
Having consulted the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, I reaffirm my use if the term “respect”. Above I used the term according to the second listed meaning: “due regard for the feelings or rights of others.” As a human being, she is due a certain regard for her feelings and rights.
Further, as Christians, we are to be patient, kind, etc., toward her. We can’t relegate the most widely known passage in 1 Corinthians to the dustbin simply because of its normative use during nuptial liturgies.
Jean Vanier died recently. One of the great lessons of his life is how to treat other people with and without intellectual disabilities.
@ Hidden One: She was treated with the respect due her. Nobody called her names, shouted at her, or physically demeaned her. The officer even allowed that he did not necessarily agree with the pro life message. Respect for the soul and the God that created her does not mean she is not accountable for her behavior. Quite the opposite.
Hidden One wrote:
“Having consulted the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, I reaffirm my use if [sic] the term “respect”. Above I used the term according to the second listed meaning: “due regard for the feelings or rights of others.”
Note the first listed meaning.
“As a human being, she is due a certain regard for her feelings and rights.”
Note the certain regard due to others and to the Rule of Law.
“Further, as Christians, we are to be patient, kind, etc., toward her.”
We are also to give due regard to her behavior, particularly since this type of behavior is a trend, not an isolated incident.
“We can’t relegate the most widely known passage in 1 Corinthians to the dustbin simply because of its normative use during nuptial liturgies.”
“Jean Vanier died recently. One of the great lessons of his life is how to treat other people with and without intellectual disabilities.”
Exceptions, in this crazy mixed-up world of ours, apply.
Hidden One, your comments show a lack of interest in the perp’s motive and in her victims (except, perhaps, for your use of the word “too” in your first comment). And something else is going on here with your comments, they have a certain…tone…
C’mon Hidden One, what’s really on your mind here…
A tip of the hat to Spinmamma.
I wonder sometimes about the extent to which leftism is a political position when it so often makes more sense as a psychiatric disorder.
@SemperGumby: Excellent. I truely enjoy your commentary..might you have a blog?
my favorite part: “I cannot un-arrest you.”
OMGosh! That is soooooooo AWESOME!!!!
lol! Love it.
This film should be titled, “Clueless in North Carolina”
But she knows now! You can’t take other peoples things . Doh!
MrsAnchor: Thank you for the compliment. I do not have a blog, I’ve pitched my tent here until I exhaust Fr. Z’s patience.
But if I did have a blog, phrases like “mostly a train wreck” come to mind. My blog would be filled with:
– extended rants against the Commies
– sharp retorts against those darn kids on my lawn
– smiting of hip and thigh against every innovation in baseball
– schemes to repel Modernist boarders from the Barque of Peter
– bilious rumblings against high-fructose corn syrup in barbecue sauce
– heated arguments about bronze vs gunmetal Combat Rosaries
– whiskey-fueled musings about the correct mix of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines for home security
– spirited debate about whether the grass is greener in Bedford Falls or Casablanca
– ruminations about the proper balance of the four humours in the body
Plots would be hatched fortnightly to advance various pet projects: pipe-smoking and chain-mail suits at the office, full-contact chess, and grocery cart jousting.
As for my combox, Moms are allowed free rein. If a single lady chimes in and expresses even the slightest disagreement with my Analysis from Atop my Lofty Perch, I’d politely ask her to bake me a plate of brownies then urge her to take the veil.
If my sister chimed in, no doubt to irritate me, I’d inform her I’m still not sorry about the time I inducted her Ken doll into the French Foreign Legion and returned him to her only after Ken spent a rough night in Ouagadougou.
Soyboys would never make it into my combox. They would tremble in fear as my banner displayed random photos of Pope Urban II, Chesty Puller, an M-1 tank, and WCW wrestler Scott Steiner- aka Big Poppa Pump aka The Genetic Freak.
Er, where was I? Probably a good thing I have no blog, MrsAnchor. Best to stay on the straight and narrow.
I thought I had a significant or clever comment to make in becoming “un-arrested” like “un- pregnant”. It would be pertinent. But, following Semper’s inspired rant; well, I’m feeling verbally inadequate. Thanks SG.
exNOAAman: Good one. As to your verbal dilemma, my scheme is to attach blame to my (dear, long-suffering, improves herself daily) sister- but at the moment I got nothin’.
*taps fingers on desk*
Hey, exNOAAman, ever hear the one about the Marine and Confession?
A Marine at Camp Lejeune enters the Confessionial. He says to the priest, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. At a bar last night I beat the tar out of a Satanist.”
The priest says, “My son, I am here to forgive your sins, not to discuss your community service.”
In a way I actually feel sorry for her. She is a victim, but not of justice or mercy, but of the backwards minds who who put it into her head that the killing unborn babies is a right that is unjust to even protest against with a sign.
Hidden One said:
“She, too, possesses the dignity inherent in all human beings and is deserving of respect.”
She deserves as much dignity and respect as she gives the innocent little human beings she is fighting so hard to keep from having any life at all.
Take note of the chest-mounted “action cams” employed by the pro-lifers here much in the same way that law enforcement uses bodycams. I can’t recommend strongly enough that they become standard equipment for anyone engaging in public advocacy for any social or political cause that can cause or does cause deranged leftists to lose their marbles. With the left becoming increasingly brazen (as recent examples show, especially against those who dare call for the protection of the unborn), the footage could be the key to prosecuting an assailant, or proving your actions as just if you have to take action to defend yourself or other innocents.
GoPro is a household name for action cams at this point, but there is a more economical option! For the past 4 years I’ve used the SJ4000 in a dashcam role with a mount to my motorcycle helmet, and as a way to capture my competitive action shooting performances from a first-person perspective (channel name is rtrainqu, but nevermind the shameless plug, haha), without a hiccup. I appears they have come out with a few new models since I purchased mine (as have some competitors), but I have the SJ4000 and I can attest that it is fully compatible with all standard GoPro mounts and accessories. All this at a fraction of the cost: you can get the SJ4000 for just around $60 (naturally, if you decide to pick one up you’ll do so through Fr. Z’s Amazon link).