From a reader… a little late… sorry!
Our group of philosopher/theologians meets every Friday and this week we wanted to toast to Our Lady of Victory. Might you have a good cocktail recipe to celebrate our victory over the Saracens? We were thinking maple old-fashioneds garnished with bacon.
Wow. A challenge.
I like the theory.
I might recommend a martini made with “Victory Gin”, with a bacon stuffed olive and a laurel twist.
Otherwise, for the ladies, perhaps a martini, but made with the pink – I am not making this up – Zymurgorium Turkish Delight Gin Liqueur. If you can’t get it, try one of the softer and sweeter seasonal Hendrik’s gins, with a stick of little turkish delight canon balls.
Anyone else?
I’ll try:
“Victorita” (i made that up)
3/4 oz Don Juan tequila
1 oz lime juice
4 oz Andrea Doria Beer (yup they make this)
(i looked it up online)
[That’s the spirit!]
Lepanto Brandy
From one of my favorite books, “Drinking with the Saints: the sinners guide to a holy happy hour,” by Michael Foley: two different cocktails are recommended.
1. Turk’s Blood, made from 3 oz. champagne and 2 oz. burgundy wine.
2. Lady Victorious, made from 2 oz Lepanto brandy; 1/2 oz Grand Mariner; 2 dashes Peychaud bitters; 2 dashes orange bitters; and 1 lemon wedge. Lepanto brandy for obvious reasons. Grand Mariner honors the commander of the victorious Christian fleet, Don Jon. Bitters commemorate the harshness of war. Lemon wedge symbolizes victory over the crescent of Islam.
For last call, it is recommended that favorite verses of Chesterton’s poem Lepanto be read for a toast; or, after several rounds of drinks, have each person take turns reading one of the stanzas.
How about … 1/4 the above mentioned Lepanto Brandy, 3/4 Prosecco Rosato, add a dash (or more) of Rosolio di rose and garnish with a small sprig of rosemary. Call it the Lepanto Rose.
Although the following morning the throbbing drums may not be quite so dim…
He beat me to it!
Sorry, it’s Marnier not Mariner.
…César Ritz (1850–1918) reportedly came up with the name “Grand Marnier” for Marnier-Lapostolle, who in return helped him purchase and establish the Hotel Ritz Paris….
— Guy
I’ll stretch the “Victory” reference in a different direction and suggest a Churchill Martini.
Sir Winston “loved Plymouth gin but he was not a fan of vermouth. Once, when asked how much he wanted in his martini, he replied: “I would like to observe the vermouth from across the room while I drink my martini.”
This gave birth to the “Churchill Martini”, which is little more than gin poured over ice while vermouth is presented in the same room.”
2.5 oz Plymouth Gin
Stare at an open bottle of dry vermouth
(…for atmosphere, drop the record player needle on the appropriate point of Beethoven’s Fifth…)
James Bond Vesper Martini from Casino Royale (the newer one):
“Three measures of Gordon’s; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.”
[Kina Lillet isn’t mad any longer. The close substitute is Cocchi Americano.]