New Registrations, Users – tips

There has been quite an influx of registrations lately.  Thanks.

You only have to register if you want to comment.

I should note that I don’t automatically approve every registration.  If you don’t cooperate with a little biographical information to prove that you are not a bot or a spammer who deserves to roast in the deepest cinders of Hell, I won’t approve you.  You don’t need much to prove you are real.  Some people include their confirmation name or maybe their parish or some Catholic tidbit.  It isn’t much and they can’t be seen by anyone but me.

If you have a hard time logging in, drop me a line and I will try to help.  I am not always at my computer, however.

You might review The Rules.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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