APR [Abortion Pill Reversal] is a life-saving effort that has already contributed to nearly 1,000 babies being saved since 2012.
Mifeprex or RU-486 – women change their minds!
There is a network of doctors who will prescribe this reversal protocol. Contact the network, they find a local doctor for you. The success rate is astonishing.
It is important to get the word out about this.
This following news is from HeartBeat International.
In March 2019, North Dakota passed a law requiring abortion providers to inform women about the possibility of rescuing their babies using the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol. The American Medical Association (AMA), together with the state’s sole abortion clinic and its medical director, have sued the state, claiming the law violates their rights by requiring them to inform women about this life-saving medical intervention.
They also have challenged the human being disclosure — a provision of North Dakota law which requires physicians to tell women that abortion terminates “the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being.” Like the APR provision, Big Abortion is challenging this provision on First Amendment free speech grounds. In both instances, abortion advocates rely on the NIFLA v. Becerra decision, where the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot force pregnancy centers to advertise taxpayer-funded abortions.
Heartbeat has asked the court for permission to intervene as to both parts of the lawsuit allowing Heartbeat, along with the State of North Dakota, to defend APR and the human being disclosure. We received word last week that the judge accepted our request. This will allow Heartbeat to present additional evidence in support of APR and why it is important for women to be informed about this life-saving option.
We’ll be able to argue in support of the human being disclosure. Our friends at NIFLA are also involved in the lawsuit and are challenging only the human being disclosure and are represented by different attorneys.
Every woman deserves to know the whole truth about abortion; that includes the facts about her unborn child, and the choices she can make every step of the way.
APR is a life-saving effort that has already contributed to nearly 1,000 babies being saved since 2012. Not only is the protocol worth defending, but so are all the trained medical providers that the AMA is abandoning in favor of their own abortion agenda. This is a worthwhile fight with lives at stake.
We will keep you up-to-date as additional information is received.
God bless you as you champion life!
Background Information
- March 22, 2019: North Dakota’s Governor Doug Burgum signed HB 1336into law and it is set to go into effect Aug. 1.
- June 25, 2019: North Dakota Informed Consent Litigation
- July 3, 2019:American Medical Association sues North Dakota over abortion pill reversal notification law
- Sept. 13, 2019: Federal Judge Blocks New Law Informing Women of Abortion Pill Rescue, Heartbeat Int’l Responds
- Nov. 26, 2019: The judge in the North Dakota lawsuit filed by AMA granted Heartbeat’s request to intervene.
· Overview article: AMA: Here’s living proof that Abortion Pill Reversal treatment works