Last night before my flight I saw the sun go down on Manhattan from Brooklyn.
This morning I saw it rise over the Sea of Galilee.
Fishermen were pulling in nets this morning.
The place we are staying is right on the shore in Tiberas.
The food is great.
Some glimpses.
Mt Tabor, where the Transfiguration took place before Peter, James and John.
On the spur of the moment I decided to do tiny videos to capture a thought in the places.
Down below.. Armageddon.
Cana, where Christ performed his first public miracle, changing water into wine. This reveals not only his Messianic vocation, but His nuptial symbolism as well. And it tell us a great deal about the Blessed Mother.
After lunch, to Nazareth to visit the Basilica of the Annunciation.
Nazareth was, back in the day, super tiny and the population live in caves. You can see the subterranean cave where, one day, Mary heard the voice of the angel and said FIAT.
The Word was made flesh HERE… HIC…. HERE!
The folks on the pilgrimage are great, from all over. It is a pleasure getting to know them.
Tomorrow, more wonders.
The video reports are wonderful, Father Z. Many thanks!!!
Thank you , thank you for the photos, commentary, and especially the videos. Such joy in your face. It lets us armchair travelers share in this wonderful pilgrimage.
Lovely, keep the pics and videos coming when you can! Safe travels and God bless.
Looking forward to seeing your photos, Father.
It’s such a wonderful opportunity to be able to go. It makes me think of a good priest I knew, may he rest in peace. He had been able to go to the Holy Land (years before I met him) and the experience shaped decades of his priesthood.
I’m so happy FOR you, you should be there and experience the wonders, you do so much for the Kingdom and for our God. May He keep you and all safe and healthy. The pictures and videos are already amazing. Hey one of your olives is smiling at us and one looks cranky. Guess which ones. ;)
These travelogues are excellent, Father and the video vignettes are a treat. Thanks for taking us along with you on the pilgrimage.
Beautiful images, Father. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. May God bless you on your travels. +JMJ+
Now this is a wonderful use of technology! I thought my pilgrimage days were over but your fresh inspirations and comments from the Holy Land bring your flock of blog readers along to pray with and for you and the other pilgrims.
Thank you for some great photos, especially those of the Sea of Galilee.
As for the cave where the Annunciation is said to have happened, well, I’m a bit sceptical about the Holy Places being the actual location where Gospel events took place, just as I am somewhat sceptical about many physical relics. But I do believe the events recorded in the Gospels really did occur and that they happened somewhere in the vicinity of the traditional places, but pinpointing the actual physical location of the place of (say) the Crucifixion is unimportant to me. What’s important is that it really did happen as described in the Gospels and that what the Church teaches us about what it means is true.
Thanks Fr. Z for the magnificent photos and videos, a blessed pilgrimage for you and everyone with you.
Mary, “Our tainted nature’s solitary boast,” changed the world with her Fiat.
Eloquent photos of sunset in Manhattan and sunrise in Galilee. From Isaiah 43:
Fear not, for I am with you;
I will bring your offspring from the east,
and from the west I will gather you;
I will say to the north, Give up,
and to the south, Do not withhold;
bring my sons from afar
and my daughters from the end of the earth,
every one who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made.
Mt. Tabor and Megiddo is the site where the Judge Deborah and Commander Barak defeated a Canaanite chariot force (Judges 4-5), followed by Jael smiting the fleeing Canaanite commander when he hid in her tent. Mazel tov!