POLL: Did you watch a live stream of Mass for Laetare Sunday 2020?

In this time of coronavirus, when people are closed in and Masses have been cancelled, in most places the obligation to hear Mass has been lifted. Otherwise, because of circumstances, you do not have an obligation that you cannot fulfill.

However, many priests and some bishops have tried to fill the gap by stream Masses on the web.

Let’s have a POLL!

Choose your best answer, or the closest.

Let us know what you did! Anyone can vote, but only registered and approved users here can post comments.

On the 4th Sunday of Lent 2020 - because of the coronavirus...

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. acardnal says:

    I watched the recorded OF Mass for this Sunday on EWTN at 11 a.m. CDT and made a spiritual communion. So I voted “yes” for “live” stream even though it was a replay of the 7 a.m. Mass. During the course of the day I plan to listen to the recorded homilies of some of my favorite priests via the Internet. (Thank God it’s working!) And I plan to pray Vespers in communion with a religious group via the Internet.

  2. Vincent says:

    We watched our Mass on livestream, which is an… odd experience.

    We also walked into town to spend half an hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament as well.

  3. Just Some Guy says:

    We read today’s Bible passages, discussed them a bit and finally prayed our first Rosary as a family, my wife, our two young boys and me. Hoping it’s the start of regular family Rosary time.

  4. Michaella says:

    We were able to go to outdoor Confession (thank you Fr. Don at Holy Hill)! We were also able to pray in the Basilica before the tabernacle (well distanced from the few others in the Church). Now that we are home, we will be watching a Mass and devotionally following along.

  5. TKS says:

    I tried using a website I found that lists live-streamed Masses but most were recorded (I figured that if I could fast forward, they weren’t live). I ended up in Helsinki with a Mass in English that was very good.

  6. Instead of driving to Providence, RI, which is something I might do on a typical Sunday morning, I watched the 10 AM Mass live from St. Mary’s on Broadway. I’d still rather have driven the four hours each way and been there though. I’ve watched many Masses on Internet and it just isn’t the same.

  7. nnn says:

    There were 13 TLM Masses available online to choose from , from different places in Poland. I watched a livestream from an IBP church nearby (Warsaw), preceded by a celebration of Lenten Lamentations. Even without faithful present in the church, the priest made a point of celebrating as solemnly and beautifully as possible, including a Georgian chant choir, which was greatly appreciated.

  8. SemperServusDei says:

    My family and I watched the Holy Mass live-streamed from St. John Cantius in Chicago. Truly uplifting NO Mass, celebrated ad orientem with incense and Gregorian chant. Homily was about being victors in Christ, and not victims. Used this website to stream the Mass: https://mass-online.org/daily-holy-mass-live-online/

  9. TonyO says:

    I and my family watched live and prayed with the priest the TLM at St. Vitus, San Fernando CA. Very devoutly said low mass – thank you Fr. Somebody Reverent.

    I am making it a point to get the family rosary in daily also – to get back to doing it every day, instead of missing far too often because of activities or whatever, or because I am too lazy.

  10. Irish Timothy says:

    Watched Mass this morning on EWTN. Prayed a Spiritual Communion a few times today (more to come) and also praying the Rosary a few times and Chaplet of Devine Mercy today. God Bless everyone and you Fr. Z!

  11. ron.d says:

    We enjoyed a streamed Mass from Saint Agnes in St Paul this morning. Daily and weekend masses will be live streamed for the rest of this crisis.

    Sunday options include a low Mass EF 8am, English OF 9am, and Latin high Mass OF 10:30am CDT.

    Mon thru Friday English OF at 6:30am, and Saturday Latin OF at 8:00am.

    It’s broadcast from the school Facebook page.


  12. acardnal says:

    ron.d, thanks for that info and the link.

  13. acardnal says:

    ron.d, ooops. Link won’t work for me. I don’t have a Facebook login. Be nice if they made it available to everyone.

  14. G1j says:

    Our parish parochial vicar is streaming Mass through his Facebook page from a private chapel in the church rectory. We are blessed to have him.

  15. I got to go to Mass because I was the techie behind the camera. I did not get to receive the Eucharist. Doesn’t the whole on the hand v. on the tongue debate seem like way longer than a week ago?

  16. APX says:

    I had a spot reserved for me at the SSPX chapel since all Masses and Divine Liturgies are suspended here, but the SSPX still is having Masses, just more of them keeping in observing the rules laid out by the government, but our priest said I wasn’t allowed to attend and that God doesn’t reward disobedience. I’m aware of what the PCED said in 1995, so I sent an email to the bishop asking if, given the circumstances, we’re allowed to attend their Masses. Perhaps if he knows unauthorized Masses are taking place, he’ll at least let priests start offering more Masses with smaller congregations.

  17. JayDeee says:

    Our parish live-streamed the Mass at 9 a.m., first time ever for them. Our priest, deacon, and seminarian who is with us for a year. It was on Facebook but they set it so that you didn’t need a login to view it: https://www.facebook.com/StBenedictRVA/videos/578211672781846/ . Then at 10 watched the Mass from our Cathedral (Richmond Diocese), on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq5Ewt9AYOE. Right after the Mass the Bishop did the consecration to Mary, and consecrated the whole Diocese to the Sacred Heart. Two priests concelebrated at the altar, while the bishop stayed several yards away at a side altar, pending the results of a COVID-19 test he took Wednesday. He did preach the homily. He seems to feel okay – hope the test is negative. Two of his orders during this time: 1. The blessed sacrament front and center in the main church; and 2. plenty of confession times to be offered. https://richmonddiocese.org/bishop-knestout-writes-letter-to-the-faithful-in-regard-to-covid-19/

    God bless all of the techies who are getting these Masses online!

  18. Sue in soCal says:

    We went to our local mission parish chapel at our regular Sunday Mass time, prayed Lauds, read today’s readings, said a Rosary, did spiritual communion, sang “O Salutaris” and “Tantum Ergo”, both in Gregorian chant, prayed a act of reparation. This took us over an hour. We did not watch a Mass on livestream or otherwise. I’m having trouble “attending” a virtual Mass. I feel like I should have an avatar for that and I am fresh out.

  19. GregB says:

    I have been a long time user of the website divineoffice.org for praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Their website had to close their access to new members because of licensing issues. They recently posted a notice that they are opening up for new members. Part of the notice reads:


    Amid coronavirus outbreak, with many people unable to attend Mass and isolated in their homes, Divine Office is opening registrations temporarily to allow people in the United States to join in prayer.


    The complete notice is at:




    They are also making their mobile apps available for the iOS and Android mobile devices.

  20. Skeinster says:

    I watched the FSSP Mass from Sarasota, FL. As I now go to the N.O., this was rather a treat.
    (The FSSP Mass I had hoped to attend last Sunday was cancelled along with everything else in the
    Diocese of Dallas.)

  21. TDPelletier says:

    It is vital to our Christian life that we sanctify the Lord’s day.

    ”I didn’t/won’t do anything” was certainly not an option for me.

  22. Geoffrey says:

    I watched the live stream of the OF Mass in Latin from St John Cantius in Chicago, followed by the EF Mass. Wow. Every parish should be like St John Cantius. They celebrate the OF the way it was always meant to be celebrated. I love hearing the words of consecration chanted in Latin. And then the silence of the EF. If I were a parishioner, I would probably do exactly what I did today: attend both the Latin OF and EF, back-to-back.

  23. JustaSinner says:

    Small Town Church live streamed. I guess my parish and the larger ones in the city couldn’t figure how to do it.

  24. John V says:

    Beautiful Mass live-streamed this morning from St. Anthony Chapel in Pittsburgh. Outstanding homily by Fr. Michael Ruffalo. Following Mass there was an indoor Procession for Divine Protection from Plagues, Epidemics, and Contagious Diseases. The Mass and Procession can be viewed on Vimeo or Facebook. They are also live-streaming Daily Mass, the Rosary, and Stations of the Cross from other beautiful churches in the grouping.

  25. veritas vincit says:

    Like acardinal, I watched the EWTN Mass recorded earlier this morning, so my family could join me. We all made a spiritual communion.

    When I was waiting to be received into the Church, many Lents ago, I longed to receive when I attended Mass and saw the elevated Host. I revisited that longing this morning, with great sadness.

    EWTN presents reverent NO Masses daily, with many prayers in Latin, and with chant.

  26. OssaSola says:

    We watched our parish priest offer the EF from what appeared to be a private residence via livestream. Then we said a family rosary, some other prayers, and made a spiritual communion. I so appreciate the trouble Father took to provide this!

    I must say, though, I’m concerned about how to obtain confession. We have been dispensed from obligation to attend Mass but the Bishop probably won’t be offering absolution at a distance any time soon. [Which he cannot do.] Hopefully a creative solution will appear.

  27. riowalk says:

    I went to adoration then watched the live mass online in the church parking lot. The priest came outside to distribute communion after mass to those of us in the parking lot.

  28. johnr says:

    Watched the stream from North American Martyrs, the FSSP parish in Seattle Archdiocese.

    They will be streaming daily masses at NorthAmericanMartyrs.org at 8 a.m. Pacific Time

  29. riowalk says:

    I watched a live stream of the mass at the NO church I go in the church parking lot . The parish priest came outside after the mass was over to distribute communion to those of us watching in the parking lot.

  30. Charivari Rob says:

    I watched a live stream Mass Sunday morning.
    I had also ended up unplanned watching a Mass late Saturday night after Night Prayer – CatholicTV carried Saturday night Mass from the National Shrine, though I’m guessing it was not a live stream.
    I’ve been trying to pray more this past work-from-home week – given the need and the opportunity, it seems like a good time for it. Praying along online to Night Prayer has been a help in getting my toe back into Liturgy of the Hours.
    There have been some good local initiatives. The pastor of my old hometown parish has been live streaming some Exposition and Adoration. Our Knights Council is working on setting up an online Rosary on zoom or facebook or something, since we aren’t having our regular meeting nights with Rosary.

  31. Rob83 says:

    Did a livestream of one of the ICKSP Masses since for some reason I couldn’t get any FSSP livestreams to work. Also managed to get down to a nearby parish where perpetual adoration remains ongoing, seemingly the only thing not cancelled around here.

  32. majuscule says:

    I was able to be at a priest’s private Mass in an undisclosed location with five other people and…

    …then I watched a priest and some adult severs who usually offer our newish local TLM do a livestream from what looked like a small private chapel. It was a sung Mass with everything we see in the large church but made very small—and with no tripping over one another.

  33. zag4christ says:

    I watched Bishop Thomas Daly celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady Of Lourdes along with Fr. Darren Connall, and Msg. Robert Pearson.
    Our parish was the last parish to suspend Masses. Our only available sacrements at this time are Confession and the Last Rite.
    I pray that our holy priests will be kept safe and soon we will be able to join them.

    Peace and God bless,

  34. Ellen says:

    I watched Bishop Barron and Father Mike Schmitz say Mass on YouTube and then made a Holy Hour at the Fathers of Mercy. I said the Divine Office from the Universalis App.

  35. jaykay says:

    Live Missa Cantata from ICKSP, Limerick, Ireland (on their YouTube channel).

  36. JonPatrick says:

    Like Andrew Saucci I also watched the live stream of the FSSP Mass from St Mary Providence RI which happens to be where my son and daughter in law usually go. I don’t get to attend the EF very often anymore so it great to be able to even if not there physically. Took some tinkering to get the Amazon Silk browser to recognize the live stream but was worth it to get it on the TV rather than a tiny computer screen.

  37. Credoh says:

    Our church was open for private prayer before the tabernacle. While my family livestreamed I went to church. I read through the old Mass for the first time. I was gobsmacked. This is a Mass which knows its business and means it, and does not care to be distracted from it. It has an economy of purpose which is forthright but beautiful. It is powerful and pleasing. I’ll be studying it now. You betcha. Why did we ever sideline it? (that’s a rhetorical question.)

  38. Gregg the Obscure says:

    i went to church and prayed the rosary before the tabernacle. a few other folks were there praying. later i called in to the archbishop’s question and answer session and then i watched the parish Mass. while there were a few brief sound glitches, video was top quality. however i don’t understand why there were two cameras (one slightly to the liturgical north and the other slightly to liturgical south). perhaps residual influence of the parish having a few local tv performers as members.

  39. momoften says:

    I went to church for adoration, then watched/prayed the Rosary, Holy hour, Divine Office streamed from our Parish. Also listened to a great homily. Then made a large supper for family and dad, Father-in Law, and a few others. Busy day, in a good way. We have had daily Mass streamed, and Rosary~Holy Hour of Adoration, Divine Office Station. It has felt very fruitful.

  40. iPadre says:

    I did three in the Extraordinary Form. the first was Low Mass with a short sermon. Second was Low Mass in my rectory chapel.My third was Missa Cantata with a longer sermon. Both first and last were streamed.

  41. ajf1984 says:

    The family and I livestreamed the 11:30 OF Mass from Ave Maria University (wife and I are both alums). Had a couple of blessed candles lit and a crucifix on a small table to the side of the screen. Offered spiritual communions–actually, Father commented on this practice and read St. Alphonsus’ version before he began Mass, and then during the priest’s communion, I read it aloud again and my boys joined in with me. Also…Rose vestments for Laetare Sunday :-)

  42. From the Canons of the New Jerusalem in Charles Town WV, I live-streamed the EF MIssa Cantata. The stream is on their public Facebook page for now. They also stream daily 8 AM Mass, Vespers and Adoration/Benediction. The Canons have more than one YouTube channel, and I’m not sure which channel takes precedence. For now those channels have only uploaded content there.

    I then joined another live stream of Fr. Lundberg’s sung EF of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Winchester Virginia, from his YouTube channel.

    While not being there in person, I do benefit from being able to unite myself to a mass that I know is going on right then and there. I am so grateful for all the priests who are working to reach their parishioners and laity all over the world. This is quite a phenomena.

    It is helpful to say the prayer that sends your guardian angel to assist at Mass.

    One good aspect of this dark situation is the immediate reduction of desecration of the holy Eucharist in unconsecrated lay hands and unworthy communions. Perhaps also many are being driven to Improved interior recollection.

    The situation brings to mind the passion of Christ, as He was separated from the people he loved, shamed and derided, while the near-despairing faithful prayed and suffered in spirit along with Him.

  43. Ryan M says:

    I watched the 12:30pm (Extraordinary Form) mass from St. John Cantius (I miss that place since I moved away from Chicago).

    The stream was great and the camera angle added a layer of symbolism I had missed before (and that you just don’t see in versus populorum masses). Specifically, when the chalice was raised at the consecration, it came perfectly up to the crucifix such that it looked like the priest was collecting Christ’s blood from Calvary. Which, in the deepest and truest sense, he was; but for the first time I can remember, it actually *looked* like that was the case.

    But that sort of symbolism—the priest going up to the cross, collecting the blood from the cross, and then turning and bringing it down the steps to the people (like Moses bringing the tablets down the mountain)—just can’t be fully replicated versus populorum.

  44. I’ll point out that the good people at St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile in Paris are livestreaming the daily Mass also, in Lent, anyway– Deus, in nomine tuo today, e.g.– at 1100 Pacific Time.

    Henri de Villiers there is one of the New Liturgical Movement editors.

  45. TomG says:

    My wife and I “assisted” at the live-stream Mass from our FSSP parish in Baltimore. High Mass – what a blessing – and the pastor’s homily was beautifully comforting and consoling!

  46. I concelebrated Mass, but it was private to my Dominican community AND live-streamed! See the recorded stream here: https://livestream.com/opwest

    Sunday before Last, we also live-streamed (I was celebrant). A list of times for live-streams (including a Dominican Rite Sung Mass) is here: http://dominican-liturgy.blogspot.com/2020/03/live-steam-masses-and-liturgy-at-st.html

  47. JEF5570 says:

    We had a surprise visit from our pastor who said Mass for us in our living room. It was beautiful.

  48. LeeGilbert says:

    riowalk wrote:

    “I watched a live stream of the mass at the NO church I go in the church parking lot. The parish priest came outside after the mass was over to distribute communion to those of us watching in the parking lot.”

    Why not!!?? I really appreciate the ingenuity of this pastor. There is a way to get the sacraments to the people, but it is going to take “thinking outside the box.” At communion time could not the priest stand outside the front door of the Church and distribute the Eucharist as the people process by? Could they not have been watching the Mass on their phones? or on a screen in the parking lot? Could they not nevertheless keep their social distance as they process outside? If you have a line of two hundred people OUTSIDE, three feet apart, processing to the front door of the Church does it violate civil law or episcopal edict against more than ten people being in one place? Are they, in fact, in one place?

    If “Salus animarum lex suprema,” then at some point there has to be some pushback. We want to be good citizens, obey the governor, the mayor, but just from the standpoint of prophylaxis against the Wuhan virus is a Mass held OUTSIDE in the parking lot of the church any kind of a threat to anyone’s health? with folding chairs spaced out every few feet? Or in family groups? Would medical authorities have a quibble? Maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt it very much. The danger is being inside and breathing everyone else’s air.

    Surely archbishops, bishops and ministers could be making the case to the civil authorities that there is little or no threat of contagion in that environment.

  49. L. says:

    Having the laity assist at Mass is completely unimportant. I am permitted in my State despite the Chinese Virus to go to grocery stores, liquor stores, lawyers’ offices, gasoline stations, dentists’ offices, and home improvement stores because these are deemed to constitute “essential services,” but our Diocese says we attend public Masses. One must conclude, as I did today, that buying a car battery, as I also did today, is essential, while attending Sunday Mass is not.
    If attending Mass were important, our Bishop and his familiars might permit public Masses if pastors had employees or volunteers disinfect every surface in the church, and perhaps had them distribute masks and latex gloves for people to wear in church and insist that people stay six feet apart in the pews. I refuse to volunteer for anything at our parish anymore, but I’d volunteer to organize people to do that.
    I think our diocese, despite my prayers, is run by imbeciles. I am consoled only by the fact that formerly our diocese was ruled by corrupt, perverted imbeciles.

  50. KateD says:

    We went to a legit Catholic Mass with a handful of people in a vast swath of hundreds of miles of Masslessness. We drove more than four hours each way. And received the Blessed Sacrament! Praise be to God!

  51. KateD says:


    I had the same idea about wiping everything down with bleach or disinfecting wipes, but the problem is that the repiratory droplets with the virus remain airborne and pathogenic for at least three hours (that was as long as the test was run) and the proper masks are exceedingly difficult to find; actually it is impossible. There was a world wide shortage of them in February. We physically looked everywhere (pharmacies, Walgreens, Walmart, etc) in several states, and it was a no go. I understand that the My Pillow guy will be producing some, but hopefully this thing will be in the rearview mirror soon.

    Tina in Ashburn,

    If you read this, could you provide a link to that prayer for the assistance of the Holy Angels?

  52. Elizabeth says:

    We lit blessed candles and listened to our priest say a private Mass via conference call. I have been watching sspx livestream Masses since then. This situation is painful but purifying.

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