An exorcist on what demons say about priests and Mass

How I wish that you all understood Italian.

I heard a recording posted La Nuova Bussola of comments by an exorcist of the Archdiocese of Milan, don Ambrogio Villa, in which he speaks about the Mass.

During an exorcism a demon told him that, “You (priests) are in a hurry when you celebrate the Mass, you raise that piece of bread and right away down, because you are in a hurry, you have more important things to do.”

The demon said, “You don’t understand that, when you say Mass, Mary His Mother and the angels are united around the altar.”

On the other hand, about lay people who receive Communion…

“We all think that, by going to Mass, we are giving something to God, but instead it is the Sacrifice of Christ that forgives our sins.” He reminds that the Host is within us for some 8-10 minutes.  And in that 8-10 minutes…

“we are the tabernacles of Jesus.”

Then he talks about making an act of thanksgiving after Mass.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. I can not even fathom the other-worldly venom and hate that Satan has for our priests, especially those who cling fast, as if welded and crazy-glued to His Sacred Heart, to Christ.

    And just as telling, how joyful must be the dancing in Hell for those of our priests, who aren’t.

    Know that you gentlemen are constantly remembered at daily Rosary by this abject sinner.

  2. KateD says:

    I understand Italian just fine after a couple of sambucas….

  3. KateD says:

    It’s too bad we don’t have some common language we could all communicate with in the Church….

  4. OntologicallySpeaking says:

    Ivan, I do not belong to FaceBook in principle. Is there any other way I can access Fr. Villa’s content?

  5. JustaSinner says:

    New insights to the Holy Mass. Nice!

  6. Charles E Flynn says:

    A video with Father Villa (video: 1 h. 06 min. 57 sec.):

    Catechesi Don Ambrogio 12 2 2018

  7. Fr PJM says:

    Our Lord told the Servant of God Marie-Marthe Chambon that when He arrives at the moment of the Consecration, He looks around to see who is paying attention. He also told her that later in the day where one received Holy Communion, one should think about that, and again thank the Lord.

  8. Ivan says:

    Me neither. But the content of the video which goes about exorcism is visible for everyone with the link.
    At least, for me in Europe.

  9. jaykay says:

    Thank you for this, Father. My spoken Italian isn’t great but I found the subtitle feature a good help, for once, so was able to get at least 80% of it. As you say, he reminds us powerfully about thanksgiving after Mass, with pointed comments about the “racket” made in the Church (“quel can-can che si fa in chiesa”) when Jesus is still present within us and we turn the church into a marketplace (“lo stesso Gesu e ancora presente… e noi trasformiamo la chiesa in un mercato”).

  10. Moneo92 says:

    This seems logical and somewhat correct. Why would a demon offer this?

  11. Josephus Corvus says:

    I bet Old Scratch is laughing his tail off at the number of bishops he got to bow before the thrones of the princes of this world and keep people away from the Holy Sacrifice in the name of “safety”.

  12. PaulusFranciscus says:

    My Italian is very good.

    The transcript should be translated into every language and made mandatory reading for everyone who attends mass. It should be distributed at least annually with the contribution envelopes to every family in every parish.


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