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I will LIVE stream a Traditional Latin Mass at NOON Central Daylight Time (= GMT/UTC -5 and ROME 1900h).
The Mass is in honor of St. Athanasius. It is a 1st Saturday. Prayers added “Tempore mortalitatis”.
- NB: You can find an English translation of the Mass formulary HERE. Scroll down. Use the 1960 setting.
- We can say the Regina Caeli together, since the Angelus bells are usually ringing when the live stream starts.
- I will say a Spiritual Communion prayer at the very beginning for those of you who cannot make a Eucharistic Communion.
- I will also recite in Latin the traditional “Statement of Intention” (…a hint to priests).
- After Mass and the Leonine Prayers, I will recite a prayer in Latin “In time of pandemic” followed by a blessing with a fragment of the Cross.
I’ll add a “fervorino” (short sermon).
THANK YOU to my flower donors! And HUGE thanks to a viewer for the new RELIQUARY (from my wishlist), which now holds a relic of St. Therese de Lisieux.
ADDENDUM: For texts of Prayers before Mass for each day of the week, in versions for laypeople and for priests: HERE