Your Sunday Sermon notes – 3rd Sunday after Easter (4th of Easter) 2020

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass for your Sunday, either live or on the internet? Let us know what it was.

For my part…

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JustaSinner says:

    Great sermon, Father, but I liked the combat footage one better!

    [Happily, we are both/and Catholics, not either/or.]

  2. Mike_in_Kenner says:

    For today’s EF Mass (livestreamed from the parish we usually attend) we heard a great sermon, based on the Gospel reading, about Paschal joy. It included: (1) a reference to the Divine Office and singing the Regina Caeli after Compline; (2) a reference to the Golden Legend and the history of the origin of the Regina Caeli when Pope St. Gregory the Great was leading processions and litanies because of a plague at that time; (3) a reference to Dom Gueranger’s Liturgical Year about the Easter Vigil and how the deacon chanting the Exsultet, wearing white vestments while everyone else is still in violet, is a kind of reminder of St. Mary Magdalen bringing news of the Resurrection to the apostles. It was edifying, thought-provoking, and really great. (Thanks, Fr. P.C.!)

  3. Littlemore says:

    It is interesting about The Golden Legend, St. Roch, (whose statue was behind Fr. Z. whilst preaching( is mentioned in the book.

  4. melopepo says:

    What holy cards do you have on the lectern, Father? I notice you have them there whenever you preach.

  5. Man-o-words says:

    YES – One of the (few) benefits of having to do online Mass is that you get to re-connect with some of your favorite Priests of yore who were “moved” to the middle of no where, where their rock solid homilies would do less damage.

    I’m posting the link for his homily this last Sunday. For me, it was just what the doctor ordered. I’ve struggled MIGHTILY with the governmental lock-downs and the infringement of my rights. He hit this head on, referencing St. Ignatius of Loyola’s lesser rules regarding obedience to authority. It was dynamite and worth watching if you struggle with this as well.

  6. Danteewoo says:

    Yesterday I followed the Conciliar Church’s suggestion that I pray and sing with non-Catholics, and attended a beautiful sede-vacante Mass without, of course, receiving Communion. Then I hustled down to the FSSP church to receive Communion, to be given to the faithful who were not allowed in the “ten people or under” live-streamed Mass. And by golly, Mass there was still going on, with perhaps 35 souls in attendance. But I won’t tell the Virus Nazis where!!!

  7. I watched the stream from St. Joseph Oratory in Detroit yesterday (served by priests of the Institute of Christ the King). When I read the English translation of yesterday’s Epistle, I was prepared for a wishy-washy apologetic for submission to lockdowns, but I guess I am still scarred from many years of wishy-washy preaching by non-traditional priests and should have known better. Instead, the priest ended his sermon by calling for a reopening of churches and said that the government had no right to shut them down in the first place. Now there’s a priest with a spine.

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