“Devout” Biden and the Palmist

I get “salmist”, with not attempt at lip-closure at the begin, to get something of a plosive.  I get that.


A couple of explanations are possible.

Firstly, he doesn’t really know how it is pronounced, which suggests that he is anything but a “devout” Catholic.  I readily accept that he is Catholic, because he was baptized.  Hence, he is Catholic and bound to follow the Church’s laws (including can. 916).  However, he is manifestly a Bad Catholic, and not in the quirky, “attempt-to-be-cute” sense.

Second, he is seriously cognitively impaired.

Third, see all of the above.

Just watch that video.

It’s worse than #44 and the “corpse-men” thing.  Much worse.  We know that Obama was a friend of terrorists and anti-American activists who had contempt for the military.  That can explain his military illiteracy.

But a “devout” Catholic of Biden’s age not knowing how to pronounce “psalmist”?


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. LeeGilbert says:

    Here is more stirring evidence of our brother Joe Biden’s Catholicity. From the Catholic Sentinel ( Portland), an editorial by Kristen Hannum :

    Across the country and, indeed, around the world, Catholic worshippers are likely to find Oregon Catholic Press missals and songbooks in the pews. When I’ve worshipped elsewhere, from Florida to California, I’ve always felt a flush of pride at finding OCP’s books.

    OCP also publishes the Catholic Sentinel, and Archbishop Alexander Sample is president of the board.

    So you can understand my delight on hearing President-elect Joe Biden quote from the OCP hymn “On Eagle’s Wings” in his speech Nov. 7.

    Biden, a cradle Catholic, said the hymn meant a lot to his family, in particular his deceased son, Beau. “It captures the faith that sustains me and which I believe sustains America.”

    He then shared verses from the hymn, drawn from Psalm 91, Exodus and the Gospel of Matthew.

    “And he will raise you up on eagle’s wings

    “Bear you on the breath of dawn,

    “Make you to shine like the sun,

    “And hold you in the palm of his hand.”

    The following Monday morning Wade Wisler, OCP’s publisher, sent employees an email. “It was a proud moment for OCP and [composer] Father [Michael] Joncas,” he wrote. “The whole world was watching and listening. My ears are still ringing from my daughter’s screams. There was much excitement and rejoicing in the Wisler household at that moment!”

    The thought of having to endure Joe Biden’s version of Catholicism for the next four years is surely motive enough to pray more fervently for President-elect Trump. Honestly, doesn’t Trump strike you as far more Catholic than Biden? Surely many people are praying for his conversion to the faith. Such a humble man. Yes, even with the self-promotion and bravado.

  2. tho says:

    People like him make me worry for my country. The whole Democratic platform is built on lies, and the biggest lie is that you can create a Utopia here on earth. You have to die to get to Heaven, you can’t legislate your way there. For the most part, the people in politics that I have trouble accepting, are the ones who have never had one ounce of private sector experience, they live in a make believe world.

  3. The Masked Chicken says:

    While I cannot say for certain it is the cause (I am not a speech therapist), Biden suffers from stuttering and may suffer from mispronouncing certain phonemes, possibly, at the beginning of words, possibly, when fatigued. He has commented:

    “I never had professional therapy, but a couple of nuns taught me to put a cadence to my speaking, and that’s why I spent so much time reading poetry – Emerson and Yeats,” Biden wrote. “But even in my small, boys’ prep school, I got nailed in Latin class with the nickname Joe Impedimenta. You get so desperate, you’re so embarrassed.”

    I don’t know if that is the case, here, but absent any evidence to the contrary, it is a charitable read of the situation.

    The Chicken

  4. John the Mad says:

    As a Canadian I view the prospect of Joe Biden becoming president of your great country as very alarming. He is far from the sharpest knife in the drawer and is signed up member of the culture of death masquerading as a devout Catholic and the recent election was from all appearances a huge fraud.

  5. Simon_GNR says:

    As a Briton, I’m concerned that this man will soon be the leader of the Free World. It’s clear that, as we say in England, he’s “not all there”. Does he really not know how to say “psalmist”? Very worrying that soon his hand will be on the “Big Red Button”. He’s obviously so far past his prime that he really isn’t up to the job of President. It’s still several weeks until he’s due to be sworn in: I’m wondering if during that time he will show himself as being so obviously unfit for office that he will have to stand down before taking over. I don’t know what happens then, constitutionally, but the likeliest outcome seems to be that Kamala Harris would become president.

  6. bobk says:

    Oh, it’s a good one. Remember some years ago, Bryant Gumbel was introducing a performance of Gershwin’s “S’Wonderful”. He referred to it as “ESS Wonderful”. It’ll be hard for the president elect to back away from it. And journalists in the popular media will have to have it explained to them that the Palmist didn’t write anything…I’d buy a ticket to watch THAT.

  7. Kerry says:

    Greeter at Disneyland?

  8. SKAY says:

    Joe Biden has dementia. That is the problem. Surely he read it to someone else
    before he read it to the TV audience and surely they corrected him. He forgot how to
    pronounce the word correctly.

    You are correct John the Mad. Please pray that this corrupt election will be set straight.

    You are also correct Simon_GNR. Kamala will be even worse so please pray that this
    corrupt election will be totally exposed and corrected. This country has been put in a very dangerous situation by people with no ethics or moral compass so you have every reason to be concerned.

  9. adriennep says:

    LeeGilbert, Amen! Ave Maria at the convention will be honored.

    OCP is the McDonald’s of Catholic hymn publishers. The only problem with our attending the Latin Mass exclusively this past year is we never get our Sentinel copies to use to start fires and clean up after cat hairballs. And it is nothing short of scandal that the OCP syndicate has squashed and ignored Archbishop Sample’s fine sensibilities regarding sacred music. He sits on board of OCP as required but has no influence at all on the “St Louis Jesuits” who have bred there like a virus for decades. In the diocese of Marquette where he is from, Bishop Doerfler has wisely implemented Archbishop Sample’s sacred music ideas in a beautiful way. Plus CC Watershed has the brilliant Brebeuf hymnal. It will now be a full year since we have attended a Latin Mass exclusively and not hearing OCP hymns anymore has been the best for our peace and prayer life weekly.

    But of course, with all respect, Biden was obviously referring to “palmists” as if they were palm readers in the Old Testament and foretelling our future life in the Great Reset . . . but wait, that’s a mortal sin . . .

  10. Benedict Joseph says:

    Absolutely over the top. Give me strength.

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