Are you doing Christmas shopping online?
PLEASE come here FIRST. I warmly invite you to use my Amazon links to enter Amazon for your shopping. I will get a small percentage of all sales. I can’t see what you buy, so don’t worry about that.
The percent that comes from your online shopping is a major portion of my income, as it turns out. And I have got to get that income up.
ALSO, I consider you to be among my benefactors because of the help you give. I regularly pray for and say Mass for the intention of my benefactors. It’s the right thing, and a pleasure, to do.
Some people who have to do purchasing for their business or job through amazon will use my link and it really helps. And please suggest it your friends? Get the word around?
Use Fr. Z’s links…. Use Fr. Z’s links…. Use Fr. Z’s links…. Use Fr. Z’s links…. Use Fr. Z’s links…. Use Fr. Z’s links….
Once you enter through one of my links, everything you get in that session will be credited to me. If you leave and go back to shop again later, PLEASE use my links again. They are always at the top of the RIGHT SIDE BAR.
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