Msgr. Richard Soseman – R.I.P.

I heard today that a good friend of mine Msgr. Richard Soseman died from the Wuhan Devil.   He was 57.   A story HERE

I’ve known him for many years.   He worked in Rome in the Curia for a time and then returned to his native Peoria.

Fr. Soseman was one of those priests in Rome who helped to keep the TLM going at St. Peter’s Basilica

I’m very sorry to hear about his passing.  I am sure he received the Last Sacraments and am confident that he had time enough to prepare his soul for judgment.

Will you please say a prayer for this priest?

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei.

Requiescat in pace. Amen.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Eoin OBolguidhir says:

    Venerable Fulton Sheen, pray for him. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and St. Juan Diego, pray for him
    I am praying for him tonight.

  2. Kathleen10 says:

    How sad. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him, amen.

  3. JillMary says:

    So sorry to hear this. Once upon a time we had mutual friends in the town where he grew up. I was once his Euchre partner. Eternal rest……

  4. Another of the old CompuServe gang of ours is gone… sigh. I will definitely keep him in my prayers.

    [Blast from the past.]

  5. Andrew:

    Wow. You are right. I actually had forgotten that… Compuserve. I started with that in 1992 (I think the year Fr. Soseman was ordained).

    Thank you.

  6. Alice says:

    I saw the news this morning. I knew that he was very ill, but I had really hoped he would pull through. I didn’t really know him, but I remember him preaching at our parish a few times before he went off to Rome. He was definitely a priest who fought for tradition and a Catholic through and through. May he rest in peace.

  7. Liz says:

    I will say prayers for his soul, and for consolation his friends and family. May his reward be great in heaven.

  8. bookworm says:

    Really sad to see this! I knew him back when I lived in the Peoria Diocese, and turned to him for occasional spiritual direction for a time. Definitely one of the good ones! I said an extra rosary tonight for him.

  9. InFormationDiakonia says:

    I will pray for eternal rest for this good priest’s soul. May the perpetual light of the Lord shine upon him.

  10. He will be added to my prayers for the Holy Souls that I pray morning and night. We should always pray for the faithful departed because by morning we might have joined them.

  11. acardnal says:

    Link to newspaper article not working.

  12. BillG says:

    What terrible news – for us. I remember fondly a trip we took to Novinger, MO, to St. Rose of Lima at David Barton’s invitation, maybe 5 years ago, where the good Monsignor said the TLM and then gave a very enjoyable and informative talk on the case for Archbishop Sheen. And it was a genuine pleasure to see him again this last July and have the chance to talk briefly with him after the Pontifical Requiem in St. Louis where he was Deacon for Bishop Paprocki. He was so very amiable. The Latin Liturgy Association has lost a lifetime member, and the Traditional Latin Mass a staunch advocate. Requiescat in pace.

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