Merry Christmas!
As always I want to thank my regular readers and registered commentators here. Thank you in a special way to my benefactors who subscribe and keep this going. PayPal works well. Also Continue To Give. I regularly say Mass for your intention. As a matter of fact, my 3rd Mass of Christmas was offered for my benefactors. And thanks to all who sent things from my wish lists and also who sent Christmas cards, especially with kid art.
Posts here scroll off pretty quickly. Here are some recent offerings.
Some regular posts, such as those about live-streamed Masses, will have just a link for the whole series.
And now some posts…
- 26 Dec: St. Stephen the Protomartyr, his Archconfraternity, the Octave
- CQ CQ CQ: #HamRadio – ZedNet reminder – Sunday 27 Dec – evening at 2000h EST (0100h ZULU 13 Dec).
- R.I.P. – Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD
- PODCAzT 185 – St. Leo the Great’s Christmas Sermon for A.D. 440
- MUSIC: London Oratory Schola – Sacred Treasures of Christmas @LondonOrat
- Bad Liturgical Idea #7548023
- Send Fr. Z your snail-mail 2020 CHRISTMAS CARDS! – UPDATED
- BOOKS RECEIVED: Card. Pell’s Prison Journal, Kwasniewski’s latest, and a post-Conciliar French commentary about the “modern” Church
- Fr. Z’s Kitchen: Cognac and Dijon Beef Stew
- AUDIO: Singing the 2020 Christmas Proclamation – Kalendas – in Latin – TLM Extraordinary Form
- A note about Old Testament Prophets and the Church’s calendar
- Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines
- WDTPRS 21 Dec. – O Oriens – The Winter Solstice and thoughts on time
- Your Sunday Sermon Notes – 4th Sunday of Advent “Rorate” – 2020
- About that demon cult bowl placed on St. Peter’s altar… WHERE’S THE DAMNED BOWL NOW?
- COFFEE WARS! (video)
- My View For Awhile: Home Again
- More bad news from the Vatican. Wherein Fr. Z rants.
- A good summary of why we are right to worry about the installation (not election) of Harris/Biden
- 16 Dec – Blood of St Januarius did NOT liquify. What more does this year need?
- Fervorino from a Votive Mass for the Deliverance from Death in Time of Pestilence (The Wuhan Devil)
- ASK FATHER: I have heard of “Apostolic Pardon” but “Apostolic Blessing”?
- Are you doing Christmas shopping online? PLEASE come here FIRST. ACTION ITEM!
- Christmas in St. Peter’s is cancelled, but apparently this Mass is okay. Wherein Fr. Z rants.
- CQ CQ CQ: #HamRadio – ZedNet reminder – Sunday 13 Dec – evening at 2000h EST (0100h ZULU 13 Dec).
- Your Sunday Sermon Notes – 3rd Sunday of Advent “Gaudete” – 2020 – POLL: Rose Vestments?
- WDTPRS – “Gaudete” 3rd Sunday of Advent: All the orations!
- What did Reuters release on the eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
- The 2020 Vatican Nativity Scene. Cameo appearance by the Mandalorian and “Baby Yoda”
- UPDATE: Fr. John Hollowell – still battling a brain tumor
- St. Barbara, patron saint of artillery
- Msgr. Richard Soseman – R.I.P.
- The amazing miracle story of St. Juan Diego! And ACTION ITEM! Let’s pray for a miracle, the annihilation of the Wuhan Devil, COVID
- What could possibly go wrong?
- Fr. Z asks for help from the readers: containers and storage for vestments
- Happy 15th Birthday, Blog!
- Two important pieces for your reading and watching.
- I have good news and bad news….