ASK FATHER: How does one get invited to the Synod (“walking together”) on Synodality

From a reader..


I wanted to thank you for your original and powerful exhortation, via the death of a rabbit, to go to confession. As a consequence I did indeed go to confession and made a clean breast of some very awful sins going back a long way which had been imperfectly, if at all confessed. So the first part of my thank you is to let you know.  [Thanks for that… that post is HERE]

The second part is a suggestion. Can we start a long countermarch through the institutions? Would be possible to start with the Synod on Synodality? How does one get invited?

How does one get invited…. How does one get invited….

The powers that be, in control of the “synodal (‘walking together’) process” are absolutely closed to hearing, to seeing, to caring for people who desire traditional Catholic liturgical worship.    They will give all their attention and “accompaniment” to every possible aberrant group and dissidents, but not to traditional Catholics.

I suppose one approach might be to keep ‘pinging’ them with a note here, a note there.  I suggest that those notes be accompanied by Spiritual Bouquets.

That’s a key.   We have to pray for these people, as well.   They wish us ill.  Therefore, we have to pray for them.  They marginalize us.  We have to pray for them.  They try to strip things that are good and holy from the lives of many.  We have to pray for them.

Pray and try to forgive them.  Remember that Christ said that if we do not forgive, we will not be forgiven.

In the end all their games will fail.  Until them there is a lot of suffering to endure.  But we were chosen by God to live in this time, so the suffering has to be embraced as part of the plan.

Meanwhile, we should put aside small differences and unite our hearts and voices to strengthen precisely our hearts and our voices.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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