From “The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants” – 23-05-07 – Fr. Tommy’s spiritual retreat

EDITOR’S NOTE: Our “mole” on the inside had a family emergency [That part is now invisible and can’t be read.] and was away for a while.  Hopefully we will get some more interim pages and get caught up.

May 7th, 2023

Dear Diary,

Since Fr. Tommy had his incident with Chester and can’t drive me around, he’s been asking to let him use his down time to make a spiritual retreat.  They still have the seminarians do those, I think and there are ads for them in places over in Black Duck. I told Tommy to go ahead and the chancery will pick up the bill.  Darned if he didn’t choose a 30-day “Ignition Exercises” retreat.  Great — just what he needs, like he’s not skinny enough!   And how is he going to manage with that ankle the way it is?  Me?  I do not want ANY exercise on my retreat.  No way!  Not that I have time for one.

Dear Diary,

About Fr. Gilbert.  He’s starting to get on my nerves a little.   He walked in the other day with a plate of cookies one of the gals over in the evang office baked for him.  For him.  Gotta admit they were pretty good, the big oatmeals in particular.  But, really?   For him and not for, well, me?  And there’s Chester. He thumps the floor with his tail when G comes in and sort of crawls over to him.  I wonder if when Fr. Tommy got all tangled and fell he didn’t hit Chester’s head.  Otherwise, he’s normal. He got hold of my new copy of America and peed on it after ripping it to shreds.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. OneTradMale says:

    Fr. Z,

    You might want to be careful saying stuff like “Our “mole” on the inside had a family emergency and was away for a while.”
    That’s probably enough information that Bishop McButterpants would be able to figure out who the mole is and “dispose” of him or her… then there would be no more of these posts.
    It’s something worth considering if you wish to consider sharing them. And please do, I always like to hear how things are “on the inside” in my diocese.

    Thank you for a few moments of your time,
    A reader from the Diocese of Libville who greatly enjoys a laugh at these posts

  2. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “He got hold of my new copy of America and peed on it after ripping it to shreds.”

    Chester is a good boy.

  3. Ms. M-S says:

    Why in the world is Bishop McB down on Chester for that stellar job of editorial proofreading?

  4. Not says:

    I have to give it to Bishop McFattypants. I have tried for years to exercise and pray. Maybe I should look further into St. Ignatius?

  5. jaykay says:

    “He got hold of my new copy of America and peed on it after ripping it to shreds”.

    This dog has possibilities. Hmmm… a parallel “Chester’s diary” would be interesting. ‘Dog-day diary”. Not quite Chestertonian (sorry) but maybe providing valuable new insights.

  6. Saint110676 says:

    Good of +Atticus to pick up the bill for the Long Retreat (aka Ignatian Exercises) for Fr. Tommy. The cost is around $3000+ at most retreat places. +Atticus is doing what a good bishop should, at least in this case, in supporting one of his priests in their desire to deepen his spiritual life. Bravo, +McButterpants.

  7. TonyO says:

    Good to see that Chester knows what Amerika is good for.

  8. Uniaux says:

    “Ignition Exercises”! Ha!

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