Too good not to share.

This is simply too good not to share.

From hearing to approve the nomination of Justice Thomas.

Not much has changed.   He was always the thickest of the pack, and that’s saying a great deal.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Pingback: MONDAY AFTERNOON EDITION – Big Pulpit

  2. Gaetano says:

    I can assure you that Biden has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

    He was a subpar student and is simply parroting talking points fed him by a vast number of left-wing legal groups while passing them off as his own.

    Yet he truly believes that he’s the smartest person in the room.

  3. AA Cunningham says:

    I’d wager that Neil Kinnock is still writing all of his material.

    Perhaps he can still get a refund on his failed hair plugs.

  4. APX says:

    Biden still has no idea what he’s talking about…or where he is…or what’s going on…

  5. bourgja says:

    With due respect I think that Biden does know what he is talking about… he is using the coded term of natural law to ask if Judge Thomas will apply Catholic moral principles to his interpretation of the Constitution.

  6. Pingback: TVESDAY MORNING EDITION – Big Pulpit

  7. Matthew says:

    I remember this montage from a few years ago. It is good, and amusing, to see it again.

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