VIDEO – MUST WATCH! “The planned Synodal takeover of the Catholic Church-Examining INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS”

Must watch about the Synod (“walking together”).

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JabbaPapa says:

    The English Bishops would have only let Dr Ashenden become a Catholic Priest on the condition that he be silent on the internet, which is another symptom of the rot.

  2. creekman says:

    This was EXCELLENT! He calmly presents the radical, sub Christian orientation of Instrumentum Laboris throughout the document. His conclusion about the stated intent to create something called “Synodal Catholicism” is frightening, but likely correct.

  3. rally1042 says:

    Yes Father, a must watch. And for me a must watch again. Thank you for providing the link. Wise and thought provoking, and reassuring that there are thinkers of his quality that defend the Magisterium and Tradition.

  4. Not says:

    WOW, Where do I start? Absolutely a must see. Brithish accent helps.
    The emphasis in psychology always baffles me. It is a Godless science, cause and effect, no personal responsibility. “I did this because of this,what he did made me do this.” Not the Catholic in a confessional taking responsibility for one’s sins and transgressions. Forgive me Father because “I” have sinned.
    Climate change, making the world economies equal and don’t forget the poor migrants..”Illegal criminals” who we must all accept and pay for. Why can’t these poor countries make the changes they need? Other Nations can help, but not by flooding other countries with their poor. Who by the way, “will be with us always.”
    Now to the Root of it. Stop teaching True Catholicism in the Seminaries.
    Since this whole Walking together is Political, I will post the following comment..”We must defund the Police and hire Social Workers to deal with crime instead.

  5. monstrance says:

    A brilliant assessment of this document.
    El Rushbo, the Doctor of Democracy, would describe the actions of liberals much like this.
    Vacuous Symbolism over substance. Big government Departments and Programs that accomplish nothing. Except to give the liberals a warm and fuzzy feeling as they drained your paycheck.
    “Walking Together”. Where are they walking ? Awesome
    I miss Rush.

  6. hvratstpls2 says:

    An inspired analysis and talk of what is , God forbid, to come. Lord have mercy.

  7. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “Incitamentum ad fores,” is more like it. And by the by, the irony of the pretension of them using Latin…

    The lot of them are probably sitting around shirtless in checkered trousers.

  8. Notsoserious09 says:

    So very little good news these days. The act that got LeFebvre excommunicated happens in China and Jorge sends out a minion to announce Vatican acceptance. Twenty new Cardinals…how many do we need? One is an auxiliary?.. Another writes soft porn and is now in charge of doctrine? Most Bishops seem of the alphabet variety. I grow weary of it all. When the church is overthrown by the ‘synod’ I suppose that will be proof that it is the ape of the Church—an anti-church. So where is the Church?

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  10. Kathleen10 says:

    Pity the poor world when intelligent and well-spoken men like this are gone or just no longer Catholic, or no longer capable of such coherent communication. At least we have the occasional reminder of it existing, even if we had more of it in our past than now. To be that cultured and able to express such profound reality in such a way…
    He is of course completely accurate in his thoughts. It is a reality more simple folks like me can also express, because we see it, know it, discern it, and in cruder terms it goes like this: Evil men have taken over the church to the highest level and include Francis and the men he has elevated and surrounded himself with, the men who run chanceries and dicasteries and all the weighty offices. These men hate Catholicism, hate faithful Catholics, hate the practice of the faith, the history, the morals and ethics, and all who hold to these. They not only seek to destroy it, and have all the power that enables them to grab Catholicism by the throat and throttle it until it is gasping. They seek only death, not change, that is the fatal lullaby, just change, so walk along with us. Those who do are leaving Catholicism and Christ himself. They probably don’t know it.
    We see them. We see what they are doing. We have no power to halt it or impact it. Clearly only Cardinals and bishops do to some extent. But they are silent.
    We’ll keep the faith, til God returns or our lives end and we go to Him. Until then we can only watch it unfold and hope God intervenes. Nothing short of that intervention is going to derail the plans of these evil men. They intend only harm and they are accomplishing it.

  11. G1j says:

    Seems as though the writing is on the wall. Our Diocese has been plodding along the Road to Renewal which is implementing a change in the way of thinking of the laity. Using Alpha evangelization under the guise of moving with the Holy Spirit. This script that we just viewed in the video is already in the works. Thank you Fr. John for all you do.

  12. Pingback: My View For Awhile: (South) Carolina on my mind | Fr. Z's Blog

  13. johntenor says:

    All well said. I will add that progressives have a need to hear they are being nice, that they are good people because they are welcoming, affirming, and non-judgmental. In business, this is called “the need to be liked” and it kills healthy organizations. It warps decision-making from a focus on the true and the good, to a focus on leadership getting positive feedback.

    The Church needs Jesus, not jargon.

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