Daily Rome Shot 765

Photo by The Great Roman™

It is a proposal to counter the World Youth Day reposition debacle.

Also by way of contrast, the 2023 Chartres pilgrimage v 2023 WYD.  Yes, there are  different mechanics because of scale, but that’s not really an excuse, is it.

Also, La Nuova Bussola.

BLACK to move and mate in FOUR.

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In chess news, the quarter finals continue with the classical games, the combatants changing colors today.  Yesterday, Magnus and Arjun beat Gukesh and Prag. Fabi did a Houdini and draw with Leinier.  Home boy Abasov drew with Vidit after 109 moves.

Magnus and Gukesh… what an endgame.

For my own chess, yesterday I had a long OTB battle with one of the strongest players in the club.  I won with black after 46 moves into a N-R v N-R endgame, in which I had connected passers on the queen side and I force-traded the knights and sac’d my rook for the remaining pawns on the kingside.  Thereafter, it was a matter of advancing, which was obvious I could do and white was helpless to stop it, even with a rook.

It was a long game.  I MUST improve in my calculation speed.  We had some really complex positions, but… caramba!… I took way too long.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Tony Pistilli says:

    The homily I heard in Pine Bluff this weekend may have included a mention that Fr. Z is a very slow chess player :)

  2. The solution to the problem of how the Most Blessed Sacrament is provided for and safeguarded in association to very large public Masses seems so obvious to me: the distribution of the Most Holy Eucharist is simply not possible on such a large scale.

    Everyone agrees there is *some* limit: did the organizers attempt to provide Holy Communion to everyone in the country? In Europe? In the district? Well, why not?

    At some point you say, this is how far we can go given the practical difficulties. It is a matter of re-drawing the line, based on ongoing experiences.

  3. 1. Every time I see that picture from WYD, I feel desolate. It’s hard to believe this is for real, that this isn’t a Protestant gathering where the left over white things were put in the tub.

    2. Could you imagine what Mother Angelica would say if she saw THIS scandal at a WYD? This seems an even greater sacrilege than the Denver one.

  4. OzReader says:

    I suspect there were a lot of young faithful quite livid about the treatment of consecrated hosts. All hope is far from lost with them, and I cite my own observations (from a youthgroup geared towards supporting and increasing the faith) as the anecdotal evidence to back that up.

  5. sjoseph371 says:

    Well one way to see a silver lining is that at least SOME of the youth recognized that even though the storage of the Body of Christ was abhorrent, it WAS still the Body of Christ in there and they acted accordingly. That’s not to justify the storage as if it was an overstock item at Wal Mart, but the fact that even the youth who we sometimes badmouth as immoral, still tried to do the right thing and treated the Body of Christ reverently even though their “adult betters” did not.

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