Nota Bene: A couple of good videos

At YouTube there is a video produced by Mass of Ages with Michael Knowles in which he talks about the Traditional Latin Mass at 5 different levels of understanding, from three little kids to a theologian.

It is interesting how, when talking to the parish priest (from my home place) and with the theologians, the points they make are those I’ve been making constantly for 30 years.

A podcast comes from The Catholic Thing. Diane Montagna, Fr. Gerald Murray, and Robert Royal discuss the claims being made by synod officials about the role of the Holy Spirit in their discussions, and the ways in which information about the synod is being managed or limited in comparison with other Vatican events. Is the Holy Spirit the “protagonist” of the “Walking Together”? Also, just how rigged is this? I have my own ideas.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Liz says:

    This video is so well-done. I am thinking of different loved ones to share it with. Michael Knowles has such a good way of explaining things even for simple-minded people like me. I have been praying for Michael and his family a lot since last Michaelmas or perhaps the one before. It was a year or two ago. We even brought (and drank!) Pumpkin Spice Coffee in his honor on that day. Gross. That was a big sacrifice!

  2. Benedict Joseph says:

    Thank for the links to the videos. I have been anxious to hear first hand Diane Montagna’s observation on her interaction regarding the Holy Spirit’s role in the Synod. Father Murray’s observation were, as usual, so valuable.

  3. ProfessorCover says:

    The Michael Knowles video brings up something which has been especially bothering me for over a year now and that is the fact that the Church often does not treat the consecrated elements like they are the Body and Blood of our Lord. My wife has a second cousin suffering from two neurological diseases and is slowly dying. When we went to England last summer we took a trip to the northeast to visit him and met his wife who is an ex-Catholic. She told my wife she just could not accept transubstantiation. Her family were once all devout Catholics and now only one elderly uncle and aunt go to Mass. How can whole families be lost other than because the Church does not treat the Eucharist like it is the Real Thing? It is my understanding that the clergy responsible for lost souls will be held responsible.

  4. KateD says:

    Funny! We’d just watched the Knowles video.

    What the theologian had to say put to words what I have struggled to express.

    Grateful to Knowles for publishing it. Good stuff!

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