Daily Rome Shot 1027

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In chessy news… not much.  Our OTB club played against another town’s OTB club yesterday.  We won, by two matches. I lost to a very strong player and fought my way back from a losing position for a draw.

Click and join!

At chess.com I read that for “Titled Tuesday” (a weekly online tournament including only players with titles like International Master, Grand Master, etc.) Faustino Oro with 9.5 outperformed world #1 Magnus Carlsen, #2 Fabiano Caruana and #3 Hikaru Nakamura who all had 9.0.  Faustino is 10 years old.

White to move and mate in 2.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

Priestly chess players, drop me a line. HERE

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. HyacinthClare says:

    Thank YOU for letting me get away from (shudder) Paypal!
    With gratitude for all you do…

  2. A.S. Haley says:

    Too many choices for White; almost all of them block chances for a mate in 2. This one, however, seems to do the trick:
    1. c2c3+
    Black’s King cannot make a legal move, so he has to take the pawn with either his Queen or his own pawn on b4. It doesn’t matter which, because he cannot prevent 2. Qg7+, which is mate.

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