Two stories of burning, which meet our approval.
First, from BizPac:
Former Obama groupie burns her 2008 campaign T-shirt; tells off ‘criminal-in-chief’
Saying she was once among President Obama‘s “most hysterical supporters,” Carey Wedler wants the world to know she has come to see the president in a different light these past five years.
Wedler, who now calls Obama “the criminal-in-chief,” posted a video Thursday on her Youtube channel titled, “Why I’m burning my last bridge with Obama.” In the video, [HERE] she is seen burning an Obama t-shirt she wore on the night he was first elected in 2008.
Next, from Saratogian:
Gun rights group hosts rally, seminar
WILTON >> Hundreds of gun rights advocates turned out for a meeting here Sunday that was in equal parts a rally against Gov. Andrew Cuomo and a teach-in on how to not comply with his SAFE Act assault weapons registration law.
The event, put on by the NY2A Grassroots Coalition, ended with a show of civil disobedience as dozens of attendees filed out of the Saratoga Springs Elks Lodge to burn NYS Police Assault Weapons Registration forms in a barbeque grill set up for the purpose.
“We are demonstrating to New York state that we will not be registering our firearms with the state,” one protester said, tending the fire. “We refuse to register.”
“The registration deadline is approaching, April 15, and we’re basically giving people information as to what their options are relative to registration and we’re also encouraging them to get more active in the political process so we can vote out the people who voted for the SAFE Act,” said Lisa Donovan of Ballston, Saratoga County, one of the organizers of Sunday’s event.
“We’re basically explaining to people once they register, that gun is no longer theirs,” she said. “It’s a matter of time as to when the state will take it … It will be upon their death or when they change the law and decide to confiscate the guns that have been registered.”
“A gun that’s been registered can’t be sold or anything so it really is no longer yours at that point, so there are legal options for not registering,” she said, including modifying the weapon to meet the requirements of the law that Cuomo and the Legislature passed on the opening day of the 2013 session.
In Connecticut we have unfortunately been near “Ground Zero” for gun grabbing and draconian laws. We now have about 300,000 Class C or Class D felons, newly minted felons as many are not registering their weapons according to the dictates of our liberal legislators. Things are getting tense, with offers from out of state pouring in saying things like “We stand ready to help you” etc. There is some anti-police rhetoric which can be pretty fiery. Our legislators are setting up Connecticut residents who own unregistered weapons and if anything happens, they are to blame for these un-Constitutional laws that are only a prelude to confiscation. Our Governor, Dannel Malloy, was booed at a parade the other day. His response? He booed back for about fifteen seconds. Clearly we have an arrogant, out of control state government, feeling pretty powerful.
There is a growing movement in Connecticut to toss these gun grabbing liberals out. They seem to be making headway. It is astounding what a small, dedicated group can do. There are still patriots.
To the little Obama girl who decided to “like Google the news” to find out what’s happening. They are not George Bush’s wars; they are one world wide war called JIHAD. Google won’t tell you that and neither will some kumbaya krispy kreme Kristians but they are one world war started 1400 years ago by a guy named Mohammed. Every once in a while they go dormant like a volcano, but jihad is a part of this supremacist, war-making ideology.
Wow, even the sheep awaken. After all these dumb girls and women gave us Obama, they now see their necks have been slaugthered. Unfortunately, the die hard leftist Catholic will not even absorb the profoundness of Cary Welder’s statement. Hope springs eternal.
Civil disobedience indeed! I wonder if the lady who burned her shirt also voted for Obama in 2012. I haven’t see the article yet, but I am willing to bet she was still on board with him.
For you gun owners in CT and NY, I support you. I am waiting to see what happens with the failure to register. This has the potential of becoming a serious powder keg (no pun intended). Connecticut seems reticent to actually move ahead and enforce the law, probably because they know that the people who own these firearms are going to be aiming for the head if their peaceful evening is ruined by the door being broken down. I pray that everyone keeps their good senses about them, and that these laws are soon repealed.
Vaya lio!