Did ISIS behead a priest in Mosul?

I am not sure if this is true or not.  That said….

From ABNA24.com:

ISIS Beheads Iraqi Priest in Mosul

According to locals and eye witnesses, ISIS beheads an Iraqi priest who captured him 7 month ago.

Local says ISIS militants announced beheading of priest Polous Yacoub is done by group sharia court’s order.

Beheading is done in one of eastern neighborhood of Mosul.

According to Wall Street Journal, after many ISIS violence against Christians, hundreds of Christian men are picking up rifles for the first time at a Manila Training Center- former U.S. military facility in the hills of northeast Iraq – and training to reclaim their towns from ISIS militants who stormed the country last year.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. gramma10 says:

    Hard for me to listen to any news anymore. Barbaric insane people are out there. Too horrific! Sometimes I prefer my own little world of peace and joy!
    Yes, I retreat when possible. Adoration chapel, here I come!

  2. Muv says:

    It probably is true. In fact, I am amazed we haven’t heard of many more such instances.

    A visit to the website of Aid to the Church in Need http://www.acnuk.org/ lifted my spirits earlier this week. Help is getting through to the displaced Christians in Iraq, and ACN have put up delightful videos of the Iraqi children saying thank you.

  3. YoungLatinMassGuy says:

    Almost certainly 100% true. May God rest his soul.

    To those who aren’t a student of history, what isis is doing is totally shocking.

    To those (like me) who have studied history in extreme detail, including the stuff they leave out of the history books, isis is just picking up where the Ottomans left off after a pause of three generations.

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