The “most pro-abortion president to occupy the White House”

I have been away from my usual fixes of American political news.  Thus I was interested to read this on CMR:

During a speech in Dallas on Wednesday night Sarah Palin attacked President Obama for being the “most pro-abortion president to occupy the White House[Exactly the point made here and elsewhere during the Notre Dame Debacle.] and warned that health care reform would lead to more abortions in America.

“It is even worse than what we had thought. The ramifications of this legislation are horrendous,” Palin said at an event hosted by Heroic Media, a faith-based, non-profit group that is working to bring down the rate of abortions in the Dallas area.

The 2008 vice presidential nominee urged the newly elected Congress to repeal health care reform, which she called the “mother of all unfunded mandates.”

The biggest advance of the abortion industry in America has been the passage of Obamacare,” Palin said.

Although President Obama signed an executive order prohibiting the use of federal funds for abortions, the former Alaska governor said it was nonbinding. Palin also noted that the administration later allowed federal funding for some “high risk” insurance pools in states that allow elective abortions.

I am far more inclined to back someone along the lines of Newt Gingrich should he choose to run, but I appreciate the fresh style Palin has brought to the campaign trail.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. pberginjr says:

    Don’t forget, Newt’s a Catholic (a real one too from what I can tell). I don’t know if he could get elected with out being a CINO (especially with media spin).

  2. But would you not love to watch Gingrich crush Pres. Obama like a bug during a debate?

  3. Kerry says:

    Like a duck on a junebug…? Heh.

  4. Newt Gingrich might be a fine person and a Catholic, but he is very easily lead into liberalism and “reaching across the aisle.” That didn’t get us very far last time, especially since more people voted for John McCain because Sarah Palin was on the ticket than voted because McCain was on it. I recall listening to Mr Gingrich specifically in 2008 say how he was convinced man-made global warming was real science, and if he can be so easily duped then I would refer Mrs. Palin who seems to have a backbone of steel. She isn’t afraid to be politically incorrect, that’s for sure.

  5. TJerome says:

    Newt is a true intellectual, unlike President Teleprompter. I think there is a lot of buyer’s remorse going on in the US right now, particularly among Catholics who were tricked into voting for him. Rule of thumb when voting: NEVER vote for the mainstream media’s choice because they are generally wrong about EVERYTHING, religion, politics, economics, etc.

  6. digdigby says:

    During his U.S. Senate contest against Obama, Alan Keyes famously said:
    Christ would not stand idly by while an infant child in that situation died. … Christ would not vote for Barack Obama, because Barack Obama has voted to behave in a way that it is inconceivable for Christ to have behaved.
    Obama has always mischaracterized Keyes’ condemnation as a blanket statement against Obama’s pro-abortion position, which is untrue. Keyes was pointedly discussing infanticide.

    Alan Keyes, a black traditional Catholic, third degree Knight of Columbus and passionate family man.

  7. B Knotts says:

    Newt is a smart guy.

    Unfortunately, he has a tendency to outsmart himself, by trying to play political games, instead of just sticking to principle.

    Sarah Palin is smarter than a lot of people suspect. She is putting herself into position to run and to win.

  8. I think I will have to vote for *whomever* runs against our current President.
    Mr. Digby–oh how I wish Alan Keyes was that person!! I think Newt would make a good president. I mean–smart, yes. And God obviously has his ear, so even though he has been a politician and played the political games, God can still mold him. Mrs. Palin. I so admire her, and forgive me for my doubts, but I think there is such a loud and ugly crowd that work overtime to discredit her that I’m not sure she could fight through it all to be nominated. I am looking forward to her Alaska show, though. :)

  9. mike cliffson says:

    By your leave, Fr:
    Cousins, please don’t drop the ball!
    You had abortion foisted on you by judicial activism .We Brits, it was free parliamentary vote (i.e., each MP to follow their conscience, or whatever, no whips.) Catholics then were fairly selfconfident and 25% of the population of the cities. Certainly we prayed – and were ready to be on the public square. We could have “blackmailed” MPs if you like – that’s the least that would have been said, and it’s been said anyway since, and worse. But the bishops took advice from late-ensoulment wavers, inside fixers, experts, and the like…and dropped the ball. Since my yuf we , the 2 to 8% that are left, avoided being “single -issue” voters. Don’t.
    Of COURSE, we should, especially pace the Holy father’s request in Fr’s following post, PRAY first and foremost, and put our trust in divine providence rather than our own efforts. But before we were conceived , did not God’s plan place us in the anglosphere wherein we have responsibilty not only for our own bodies, minds and souls , but also such wealth as the world has never known and freedom to act in the public square -AND Vote?
    Count the price before starting: theMSM are at it already. It can only get worse, anyway, and will.
    Through civil actions, trumped up abuse claims, outright lies, they could in months strip the church of every last building, every last hospital,every last church or seminary. SO WHAT?
    Do you honesty believe they won’t anyway, long term?
    Catholics in anything public and many private could lose jobs – they’re guaranteed for life? What chance do catholic doctors, nurses, teachers, stand at the moment? Homeland security could be used….. it’ s all been done before. It couldn’t happen in America? Sez who?
    Id be scared to, I’d want to be “civilized ” and “responsible” and prudent and avoid ego trips and wait for the majority to move and the Bishops in lockstep unison and….
    Or one could carry on in fruitful dialogue. Very fruitful. Notre Dame university so covered in fruit they the united fruit company, gotta cart it away in tins?
    God be with you

  10. DisturbedMary says:

    Newt’s a good guy and I welcome him home. But my impression is that he is not strong on life issues. When Bishop Sheen was alive, he catechized many powerful well-known people. My impression is that Newt did not have a Sheen-like initiation — but rather a more Capitol-like watered down version.

    Politically, he is too 20th century, too yesterday, for what we’ve got going on now.

  11. Dr. Eric says:

    If the Republicans are going to try to win the White House in the next election. This is waaaaay too early to be trying to figure out who should run. Neither Palin, nor Gingrich can win over Obama. Gingrich has too many skeletons in the closet and the media has too much of an easy time making Palin look like an idiot.

    The GOP should look elsewhere for candidates. I definitely won’t be voting for Obama next time, but I may not be voting for the Republican candidate either. The Republicans could easily nomiate a pro-abortion, pro-war, pro-sodomy, pro-torture, pro-usury candidate as well.

  12. AnAmericanMother says:

    Newt is indeed a smart guy. He used to be my congressman. I wish him well and I’m glad he swam the Tiber.

    With that said, he doesn’t need to hold elective office any more. He is too inclined to swing with every breath of public opinion, and he has no backbone. That’s how he got rolled when he was Speaker.

    He needs a high cabinet post in somebody else’s administration.

  13. AnAmericanMother says:

    Dr. Eric,

    The media is going to make an idiot out of anybody who runs on the Republican side. I hold no brief for Palin, but the hatchet job that was done on her will simply be repeated for absolutely any candidate. If they can’t find any dirt, they will just make it up (i.e. the ‘I can see Russia from my house’ story).

  14. Supertradmum says:

    I do not believe that either Newt or Palin are electable. Palin, as much as I like her, is not presidential material, and Newt would be perceived as part of the old GOP establishment. The GOP needs some real, new, and terribly intelligent leader to come to the fore.

  15. Discipulus Humilis says:

    I think Ron Paul fits the bill. He definitely exceeded expectations last time. Who knows, maybe he’ll surprise everybody again, in a bigger way.

    I’m curious what you folks think about Paul’s small-government libertarian position in times like these. I haven’t talked to many Catholics about him, but I know a trad friend of mine who is also a big fan.

  16. EXCHIEF says:

    Do not discount Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. Sharp, young, conservative, and a Roman Catholic convert from Hinduism who is a regular Mass attendee with his family.

  17. ckdexterhaven says:

    Folks, we’re in real trouble with voters over the abortion issue. I worked the polls handing out campaign literature for pro life candidates. There are so many people who agree with the fiscal policies of the Republican Party, who want less government intrusion, YET abortion is their number one issue. :( It was very disheartening, that women especially cling to the “right” to dispose of their unwanted baby. We’ve got a lot of work to do. And a lot of praying!

    So glad that Sarah Palin is a witness for life, and a witness for the joys of being a loving mother to her precious youngest son who has Down Syndrome.

    I’ve always felt that one of Obama’s goals is to divide the Catholics in this country. But is it really a coincidence that Sarah Palin, one of the most well known people in America, has a child with Down Syndrome? When so many mothers and fathers choose to abort an unborn baby with Down Syndrome.

    Not about to let Obama and the liberals ruin this country without a fight….

  18. bookworm says:

    I like and admire Sarah Palin in many ways but I am not yet ready to elect her POTUS. I would prefer that she get some kind of experience at the federal level — perhaps as a member of Congress or as a Cabinet member — before attempting to run for president. I know there are legitimate reasons (financial and otherwise) why she resigned as governor of Alaska, but still, if she couldn’t take all the “hounding” she got from the press and opponents in that job, how on earth does she expect to handle being president?

    If Palin got back into elected office and COMPLETED a full term and did what she promised to do, I would feel much better about voting for her as president. I would not mind seeing her become chairperson of the RNC, I think she’d be great at that — helping other Republicans and conservatives get elected.

    I certainly would not discount Jindal. By 2012 he will have completed a full 4-year term as governor in Louisiana. I’d also keep an eye on Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey (also Catholic), when he completes a full term as governor and the effects of his budget cutting measures become apparent, he might be a possibility for 2016. But not 2012, it’s way too early.

  19. loyalpapist says:

    I don’t believe that Newt is the man….nor do I believe that Palin will be allowed (by Repubs even let alone Dems) to get the nomination. I would happily back Gov. Chris Christie’s nomination! Have you watched this man take on the establishment?! Gov. Jindal would also be refreshing. :)

    God Bless

  20. AnAmericanMother says:


    I can’t blame Palin at all for resigning the governorship, since special circumstances obtained.
    Alaska law allows filing of ethics complaints against public officials which must be defended with the official’s own money, not public money. Her political opponents filed hundred of complaints, including one against the fund set up to try to defray legal expenses (which caused that fund to be shut down). Most of them were entirely frivolous, but you still have to pay the lawyers to respond to them. Not to mention all the time spent.

    Given that the nationwide complaint campaign plus the media circus was preventing her from doing her job AND bankrupting her family, I can’t hold resigning against her.

  21. PostCatholic says:

    I have heard that the conservative former US Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum is exploring a run for President. If my memory serves me well, he’s a Catholic. Would he be a candidate folks here would support?

  22. jflare says:

    I don’t know that I agree with the Republicans on every financial issue per se, but I DO find far more common ground with them than I have with Democrats. Generally, I find the latter to be stubbornly determined to allow government to tell us each what we may believe or do, the better to “care for us”. The former at least admit that each person needs to be capable of caring for themselves, if they wish to have any dignity as a human being.

    I don’t believe that government welfare will solve abortion. We can spend ourselves into bankruptcy in the attempt, then watch the number of abortions skyrocket again, when the money ceases being able to support bad habits and poor lifestyle choices.

    We won’t solve abortion, I think, until we push chastity in public schools with as much vigor as they’ve been pushing condoms.

  23. robtbrown says:

    AnAmericanMother says:

    Newt is indeed a smart guy. He used to be my congressman. I wish him well and I’m glad he swam the Tiber.

    If you’re still in Georgia, in 1999 I met the wife of your then Senator, Paul Coverdell, on a flight to Europe. She was a stew with Delta and a nice lady. Of course, he has since died.

  24. robtbrown says:

    I do not think Sarah Palin will be a candidate for anything because neither she nor her husband want to subjected to all the personal attacks that accompany candidacy, especially her candidacy.

    IMHO, she is interested in a) making a lot of money and b) influencing the political process.

  25. robtbrown says:

    should be: want to be subjected

  26. EXCHIEF says:

    Palin’s role is and should continue to be that of a visable spokesperson for “common folks” who actually do cling to their religion, guns, and a conservative philosophy. If you look at her track record in terms of candidates she supports getting elected it’s pretty darn good. While she may not have the “gravitas” needed to get elected to national office herself she has enough of it to greatly influence the outcome of national elections. If she’s smart she will realize that is her niche and will stick with that role. Don’t look for Newt to be the GOP candidate–he has too much baggage and he, like Palin, can be more effective in another role. If BO runs again (assuming he hasn’t been impeached and indicted as he should be) look for the GOP to run a conservative minority against him. There are actually a handful of sharp minority Conservatives who would prove both attractive and electable in a couple of years.

  27. AnAmericanMother says:


    Paul Coverdell was one of the good ones, a man who could fight for what was right without being nasty. It was a terrible loss when he died so suddenly and so young of a stroke.

    I’m still in the 6th Congressional District. I didn’t leave Newt – he left me. We’ve got Tom Price in his place, he’s a rock ribbed conservative and an orthopedic surgeon. He’s much better than Isakson, who held the seat in between the two until he ran for senator.

  28. AnAmericanMother says:


    There are plenty of good minority candidates around.

    But the liberals would ignore the “if you oppose him you’re racist” meme that they’ve chorused for Obama since the first day they heard of him. Because they really don’t care about “racism”, they tend to be extremely bigoted in private. It’s only a stick to beat their opposition with.

    Look what they did to Clarence Thomas, whom I know and admire.

  29. EXCHIEF says:

    An AmericanMother

    I agree with you in part. The establishment (elected) dems would bash any opposition but rank and file voters who obviously felt some need to elect the “first black president” (not!) might only vote against BO if his opponent was a QUALIFIED minority–and I agree with you that there are quite a few such folks who just happen to be pro-life conservatives.

  30. AnAmericanMother says:


    Could well be. We’ll just have to sit back and await developments.

    Herman Cain, maybe?

    Not sure if I’m in jest or not – he’s a real tough cookie.

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