I’ve gotta hand it to him.
Roger Card. Mahony, emeritus of Los Angeles, has taken a stand on his blog – yes, he has a blog – against the Obama Adminstration’s attack on the religious liberty and, therefore, the Catholic Church.
He doesn’t mince words, either.
My emphases:
For me there is no other fundamental issue as important as this one as we enter into the Presidential and Congressional campaigns. Every candidate must be pressed to declare his/her position on all of the fundamental life issues, especially the role of government to determine what conscience decision must be followed: either the person’s own moral and conscience decision, or that dictated/enforced by the Federal government. For me the answer is clear: we stand with our moral principles and heritage over the centuries, not what a particular Federal government agency determines. [Do I hear an “Amen!”?]
As Bishops we do not recommend candidates for any elected office. My vote on November 6 will be for the candidate for President of the United States and members of Congress who intend to recognize the full spectrum of rights under the many conscience clauses of morality and public policy. If any candidate refuses to acknowledge and to promote those rights, then that candidate will not receive my vote.
This is a sad moment in the life of our country where religious freedom and freedom of conscience led to the formation of this new Nation under God.
WDTPRS kudos to Card. Mahony…. for this.
As you know, the HHS under catholic Kethleen Sebelius did THIS.
The USCCB said it was “literally unconscionable”.
The HSS announcement came one day after Pope Benedict gave an important address to US Bishops about the Church, the public square in America, and religious freedom.
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