World War I – 100 years out

28 July is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I.

CNS has a brief video you might like to view.  Interesting footage of Pope Benedict XV.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Joseph-Mary says:

    I highly recommend the reading of the life and thoughts of Fr. William (Willie) Doyle, a heroic, holy Jesuit priest who was killed in WWI. The daily posts are wonderful and the short biography with brief descriptions of what is was like to be at the Front are exceptional reading.

  2. jpii_rox says:

    That would be 100 years, not 110 :)

  3. acardnal says:

    Very good video! I compliment CNS on the improvements in their videos over the last few years.

    Two thoughts I took away from this video:
    1. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
    2. Do not weaken the military! There are malevolent states and people – some with nuclear weapons – out there who are waiting for their opportunity to strike. “Peace through strength.”

    I highly recommend a docudrama on dvd entitled “Paris 1919” which is based on Margaret MacMillan’s book. It’s about the post WWI Paris Peace Conference. The movie uses archival footage and actors to recreate the politicians’ deliberations wherein, among other things, the world powers carved up and created new nations, e.g. Iraq and Jordan, and the Treaty of Versailles.


  4. Mandy P. says:

    Really nice video. I’ve recently watched the World Wars series on the History channel and this video echoes a lot of the same themes that their section on WWI did. It’s very, very clear that WWI and its aftermath directly led to the various ideological forces that caused WWII.

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