Your Fishwrap Roundup today.
Over at the National Schismatic Reporter today we find the inimitable Sr. Maureen Fiedler. She chooses to wax about exploration of the T in LBGT. HERE
Meanwhile, there is an editorial which attacks San Francisco’s Archbp. Salvatore Cordileone for his defense of marriage. HERE
If that wasn’t enough, NSR seems to lament the treatment being dealt out to retired Archbp. Rembert Weakland. It seems that Weakland, who started out as a Benedictine monk at Latrobe in Pennsylvania, is not welcome at his home abbey. HERE
Actually, I have sufficient noise in my environment, without the ravings of such as these.
Well, even Rembert Weakland deserves some pity and a place to stay in his old age. Or, rather, he doesn’t deserve it, but it ought to be given.
The other two articles highlight the word one of them headlines. Irreconcilable. Their assertions and their fundamental assumptions, are irreconcilable with Catholicism.
Susan Peterson
hear, hear, wmeyer.
These folks are so far beyond the pale that it almost is not worth discussing. We only give them more publicity when we engage them.
I noticed a link while I was reading those articles to an article a couple weeks ago regarding priests complaining anonymously to the nuncio about the bishop of Venice, FL:
I have to say that Fishwrap after a lengthy interview via phone, actually seemed to fairly let his responses be reported. Naturally the gist of the anonymous complaining priests’ complaints is lack of consultation/collaboration, which means he doesn’t do as they wish. And the good bishop really showed their hypocrisy by noting that complain he has violated canon law, while in the past having accused him of being too by the book. Predictably, the loony commenters piled on without knowing the substance of the complaints (nobody does except the nuncio), and just how good it is to dissent publicly.
Bishop Dewane said he frequently goes out to the parishes (whereby he is accused of micromanaging), in order to see the people and hear their concerns. In essence, just as Reagan liked to go over the heads of Congress to the people, the good bishop is doing the same, i.e. going over the heads of his liberal dissenting pastors to engage their flocks directly. And those pastors don’t like it.
I’ll admit. Some of these had me laughing. “Sr.” Fiedler talks about one “progressive” church rising above the others. It came as no surprise that the next sentence spoke of the Episcopal Church, and as a convert who escaped that particular asylum, it makes all too much sense.
Then, the comments on the Archbp. Cordileone editorial had me laughing. One brave soul dared quote Christ’s repeated teachings on marriage, and one Fishwrap moonbat asked, “You don’t really believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, do you?” Another brave soul then proceeded to quote Dei Verbum! You have to laugh at that (using Vatican II to discredit those who claim V-2 allows anything!).
While it is sad that there is not a suitable place for Rembert Weakland to live under monastic discipline, it is understandable that communities would have a hard time incorporating people experiencing circumstances like his.
Perhaps if Arbp Weakland asked for a hermit’s cottage on the grounds, and only attended Mass in common, his brothers would be more amenable.
But just a big of factor that is probable but unsaid, is that they are not eager to take on another older monk, with whom they don’t have a decades long recent relationship, with the responsibilities for him that come with it.
The comments at the place…good heavens!
What if archbishop weakland has confessed his sins and “searches for The Lord”…… Then who are we or his order to judge?
with Weakland its only the tip of an awful iceberg growing since1968, he’s fortunate hes not in prison…and or sure hes fine in his little apartment..Lord have mercy on him..
I just want to thank Father and all the posters here for keeping me informed.
I refuse to give that site a hit and will not go there.
Why is NCR (since I enjoy fishing, I decline to use Fishwrap) so concerned with Weakland, who covered up sex abuse? What makes him different than Cardinal Law (besides the obvious)?
I believe Weakland was one of the Bishops referred to in the novel Windswept House.
Gotta say, I agree with eulogos and sunnyside. However, Mr. Weakland’s apology needs to be public, and for more than his coverup of ephebophile priest abuse and his massive hush-money scandal. It needs to be for the poor, good people — pro-lifers and those acting in defense of marriage — whose names he dragged through the mud. Not to mention the wreckovation of the cathedral (which I hope Abp. Listecki will get to reversing in due course.)
When he made is public apology in 2002, Mr. Weakland stated that he was worried that his actions had shaken people’s faith. That was to say nothing of the fact that his writings, speeches, and general attitude toward favoring unChristian ideologies had shaken more people’s faith than his sexual exploits ever could have.
Surprising that one of Bp Weakhead’s boyfriends hasn’t offered him a place to stay.
And he was never the leader of the Benedictines. Each Abbey is autonomous. His authority as Abbott Primate over another Abbey is limited to being able to request a monk come to Rome as a professor
Re: confession of sins, etc. there is also the matter of Temporal punishment. What he did, not only the sodomite liaisons but also using diocesan money as hush money, could be seen to merit heavy penance for the rest of his life.
And there’s not a doubt in my mind that he would now be living at the Abbey If not for the scandals.
Not surprising that Latrobe doesn’t want Weakland back. He did a lot of damage during his time there. What I would like to know is why the Milwaukee chancery is still named after him and why his image is still in the cathedral?