18-22 Sept 2017: Conference on liturgical formation!

traditional-latin-mass-altar-your-viewThere is to be an interesting liturgical conference in W. Peabody, Mass, in September.  Priests and seminarians should pay particular attention.

Culmen Et Fons 2017: On Liturgical Formation

Fons et culmen” concerns the famous phrase about the Eucharist being the “source and summit” in Sacrosanctum Concilium.

Description excerpts:

The scope and the topics of the conference correspond precisely to the needs set out with characteristic clarity by Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in his 2016 London Address and in his remarks made in June 2017 at the Sacra Liturgia conference in Milan, Italy.


The conference, moreover, will help participants who are in holy orders the better “to interiorize the mystery of faith that is being celebrated” in both uses of the Roman-rite Mass and to enhance their own ars celebrandi of the Mass according to both usages “by emphasizing the best features that characterize them.”

This looks like a good one.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JohnMa says:

    It appears as though Bishop Perry is doing a solemn pontifical sweep through the northeast. The week before he will be offering one in Philadelphia.

  2. Jack Orlando says:

    Anything about the Liturgy of the Hours?

  3. Grateful to be Catholic says:

    Bishop Perry’s Mass in Philadelphia will be on Sept. 14. Here’s a website:


  4. frneiljroy says:

    To Jack Orlando: Yes, the Hours or Divine Office will be treated in several of the talks, and Vespers will be chanted on the 19th (St Januarius), 20th (Ember Wednesday), and 21st (St Matthew). The Hours of course play an important and irreplaceable role in one’s liturgical formation. Come and discover more. Thank you for your query! Hope to see you there. God bless.

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