Today we traditionally have the blessing of throats in honor of St. Blaise. Since yesterday was Candlemas it is logical to associate the blessing with candles.
Did you receive a St. Blaise Day blessing of the throat?
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Did you receive a (2018) St. Blaise Day Blessing of the Throat?
- Yes, individually from a priest (or deacon) (61%, 928 Votes)
- No, I didn't, or couldn't, go. (21%, 315 Votes)
- No, they weren't offered. (13%, 193 Votes)
- Yes, but it was "en masse", not individual (3%, 50 Votes)
- Yes, sort of, individually but from a lay person (2%, 29 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,515
I received the blessing individually from a transitional deacon. Since it was his first time giving the blessing, he had its text printed out and held it with the candles to make sure he got it right. He took it quite seriously, which was lovely.
Sadly, this is has never been offered at any of my parishes since I became a Catholic, and I am not aware of anyone doing it within my diocese.
I only knew of this blessing today when I attended Mass at the chapel of the local Jesuit Infirmary! I’m not sure as to the rubrics but the blessings were done right before the Final Blessing. Two priests, one being the celebrant, the other an un-vested non-celebrant and Maryknoll Father, gave the blessings. There were printed texts ready but the two were familiar with the prayer they didn’t use those.
I am wondering about this picture.
The blessing of candles for St. Blaise day refers to those whose necks are touched by the wax, and the directions for the giving of the blessing says “the priest holds two candles fastened like a cross to the throat of the person kneeling before him…”
How does holding two burning candles up before the people to be blessed fulfill these instructions?
I didn’t receive the blessing; I was busy administering them!
I am delighted to say that the blessing was done in my parish church. Neither of the two priests who concelebrated the Mass had ever heard of it so I gave both of them a run-down of the tradition which I grew up with. I had the prayer already printed out so that both of them had a copy in order to give the blessing. It was the first time that I had seen it done in my parish and after my explanation they both agreed to perform the blessing. When they announced that it was available for any who wanted the blessing, the whole congregation came forward to receive it. I rather think that the omission which has taken place in previous years, will not be repeated in this parish.
I felt very happy!
Oh, Father Kelly, what on earth makes you think that the candles are alight when the blessing is done?!
Our fine priest remained after a children’s program today and blessed the throats of all the kids and adults. Bless him.
JARay, I have never seen it done with lighted candles, nor would I ever. But the picture Fr. Z included with this post, as well as some of the comments on the other post about the blessing suggested it.
Fr. announced he would do a general blessing, but if anyone wanted an individual blessing, he would do so after Mass. Nearly everyone stayed!
During the Sunday anticipation…en masse…instead of the final blessing.
I received the blessing from the priest. He was going back and forth between two lines. There were lay people who offered, but I didn’t go over to them. :)
Is the current St. Blaise blessing the same as it was in olden days before liturgical rupture?
Of course the candles are alight. Always.
But they do not actually touch the recipient.
I originally voted “No, they weren’t offered,” as there was no daily Mass yesterday. However, I can now answer, “Yes, individually by a priest.” After Mass today, father said he would be blessing throats at the rail. Nearly everyone stayed.
At the Mass I attended yesterday on the feast day, no blessing was offered. But today, at Sunday Mass at my home parish, the priest both blessed everyone at the end of Mass, and he (along with our deacon) , offered individual blessing with candles.