WDTPRS: Tuesday 1st Week of Advent – SUPER OBLATA (2002MR)

We continue to look at our prayers for Mass during Advent.

Placare, Domine, quaesumus,
nostrae precibus humilitatis et hostiis,
et, ubi nulla suppetunt suffragia meritorum,
tuae nobis indulgentiae succurre praesidiis.

This prayer is identical to the Secret of the older, 1962 editio typica of the Missale Romanum.  I have already written a full article on this prayer for The Wanderer.

Be Thou appeased, O Lord, we beseech Thee,
by the prayers of our humility and by our sacrificial offerings,
and, where no favorable points of merits suffice for us,
succor us by the helps of Thy indulgence.

we are nothing without you.
As you sustain us with your mercy,
receive our prayers and offerings.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TJM says:

    This ICEL “translation” is particularly pathetic. Tom

  2. Fr. Gary says:


    While I am less a hater of the ordinary form than others who frequent this blog, and I do not despise the notion of a vernacular celebration of Holy Mass, and while I believe that their may be something to be said for the notion of dynamic equivalence in translation, especially in regard to a difficult or awkward passage or peculiar idiom in the Latin, the current ICEL English collect is a horrible, flat and lifeless prayer.

    In fact, it puts a lie to the argument that the translators were using any true notion of dynamic equivalence at all. It is not “dynamic” in any meaning of the word and there is no equivalence. By no means does it even approximate a translation.

    Again, I say, “Wow.”

  3. Irenaeus says:

    Wow, say I also. I’m a newbie to tradition-oriented Catholicism (and still a Protestant), so some of this inside baseball goes over my head. But I do know about 8 languages, and I cannot see this translation as a translation at all. Paraphrase is almost too generous. I mean, what were they thinking? Holy crap. [ehem… yes… well… this at least expresses what many people think when they discover how they badly they were robbed of their patrimony. When I first started writing WDTPR years ago, I had a lot of mail like this.]

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