An interesting sideshow has popped up in the Italian press following the circus train about the statements of SSPX Bishop Williamson about Jews in WWII.
In a story in the Tribuna of Treviso, an SSPX priest stationed in Treviso, Italy, is reported to have criticized Williamson even while stating his own question about the purpose of the gas chambers.
"Gas chambers"? For disinfecting.
Shocking phrases from a Lefebvrite priest of Treviso, Florian Abrahamovicz. "And in Gaza Israel is committing genocide".
Inflammatory headlines.
La Stampai, where I found this, took pains to mention that Fr. Abramowicz celebrated Mass for the leader of Lega nord, Umberto Bossi.
Also, even though in the headline there is a slam against Israel, in the body of the story itself this is never explained or reported. Great, huh?
Father said, "It is truly impossible for a Catholic Christian to be an anti-semite. I myself, on my father’s side, am from Jewish origins". "Surely it was imprudent of [SSPX Bishop] Williamson to get into the technical questions…."
There is quite a bit more, but I don’t have the time or energy to translate it.
The priest doesn’t call into question the number of Jews killed in WWII. He wonders about the methods and the motives. He opined that the numbers could be more than 6 million, but thinks that the 6 million number might have been simply accepted from what the leader of the German Jewish community stated after the war.
In any event, the whole SSPX/Jewish thing continues to simmer.
What I find interesting here is the criticism of Bishop Williamson by a priest of the SSPX. I wonder if the leadership didn’t let him off the leash.