“Ineffable” sighting… in the wild!

From a reader:

Father Z,

I am about to become a candidate to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church and have enjoyed reading your blog for a while now. I thought you might be glad to know that reading your blog helped me to complete a "quote-a-crostic" puzzle this morning! I’m sure you can make a comment about the expectations the editors of "Games" magazine have about their reader’s vocabulary level as opposed to some US bishops.

See the attached photo for the evidence.

Thanks for helping me learn about church history and tradition – not to mention intra-church politics,

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Rachel says:

    I like it!

    I knew the word from a hymn:

    Crown Him the Lord of years
    The potentate of Time
    Creator of the rolling spheres
    Ineffably sublime!


  2. wmeyer says:

    I also found it yesterday in a Robert B. Parker novel. If it’s ok for detective novels, surely we can survive it in the Mass?

  3. wmeyer: And you didn’t fall down and twitch in confusion?

  4. wmeyer says:

    Not even, Father, not even.


  5. wmeyer says:

    …of course, neither did I cavil at its use, despite the example of some of our bishops, priests, and laity.

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