A blogger with Newsweek/WaPo, Anthony Stevens-Arroyo exults over the early retirement of Bp. Martino of Scranton with all the elegance of a face painted sportsfan on a car burning spree.
To give you some of his other accomplishments, Anthony Stevens-Arroyo agrees with Planned Parenthood.
The greatest irony about his vulgar writhe is that he is wrong about nearly everything.
May the final judgement of Mr. Stevens-Arroyo be more just and merciful than the one he has seen fit to spew onto the good Bishop.
I will pray a rosary for Bishop Martino
I had a feeling that poor Bishop Marino was up against arrogant Democrats like Stevens-Arroyo every step of the way while in Scranton. I pray this rejected shepherd shakes the dust of the place from his feet quickly and journeys on to others that need a shepherd.
One word. Disgraceful.
I’m sorry, I simply cannot read these articles all the way through.
Your post is enough for me to pray for the Bishop and his detractors. My Jesus, mercy!
“…he is wrong about nearly everything.”
That was painful reading. I agree, he was wrong about nearly everything.
Reading Arroyo’s comments on Bishop Martino’s style of ‘collegiality’, I don’t think that the good bishop’s pastoral theology was at fault, I think that Arroyo came up against a real bishop doing his job properly.
Wow. I didn’t even read ten comments to find the Galileo argument.
May God bless and grant peace to Bishop Martino and help him to continue bearing good fruit for the Church. I wish there were more bishops like him in this country–bishops who actually do their job, and do it without fear of what society will think. Bishops accountable to God and the Church, not to politicians, journalists, etc.
The irony of Stevens writing this nasty, ignorant article to try to shame the good bishop for his lack of charity and human understanding is astounding.
I hope that Bishop Martino’s successor is just as good as he, and will be just as much of a thorn in the side of dissidents, rebels, and the people in power. Stevens seems to feel that the Vatican is doing him and his ilk a personal favor by ridding them of an bad bishop, and correcting a shameful mistake on their part. I hope Stevens and his ilk are proven very wrong.
Seems to me like Stevens-Arroyo’s “vision” of the Church is something like this:
(1) The bishop of a diocese needs to be in communion with the laity of the diocese, and the “sacrament” of this communion is ever rising financial contributions (and that is “the home office’s” bottom-line).
(2) Collegiality requires the bishop of a diocese to check his mind at the door. The laity, and others in communion with the laity, will decide which bishop or committee it wants to obey, since that makes them infallible.
(3) All one needs to be a solid pastoral theologian or expert on spirituality is a regular check from the Washington Post.
Is this guy a Latino or a cretino?
Ah! DisturbedMary, you are so right, we must pray for Bishop Martino, God’s true Shepherd.