News about TLM training for seminarians

Summorum Pontificum has been in force for over two years.

That is more than enough time to figure out how to integrate training of seminarians into programs of formation.

In another entry, I had asked seminarians to send reports about training and availability for the TLM in their seminary formation.

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia:

"St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia does in fact offer a course on the TLM, and does frequently include Latin in the propers of the Mass celebrated in the OF."

And …

"Daily Mass: Ordinary Form, usually with Latin Sanctus.  Feast Days: Ordinary Form with incense.  Usually Latin Common, and sometimes Missa de Angelis or Polyphony.  Latin Benedictus and Magnificat. Once a month there is a Saturday Ordinary Form with Latin Common and Propers. Once a semester there is a Mass in the Extraordinary Form. A course (elective) on celebrating the Extraordinary Form is taught in the Theology Division each year."

Catholic Theological Union, Chicago:

"I have diligently searched their course offerings and unfortunately there is no course offering for the Traditional Latin Mass.  I have spoken to several of the men who will be going there, and all of us have a strong desire to learn the TLM, and so we will be petitioning CTU to add such a course offering.  If not, we will find a way to learn it ourselves."

Our Lady of Corpus Christi Seminary:

"Our Lady of Corpus Christi, run and established by the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, has two Extraordinary Form Masses every week, one by the FSSP on the Sunday, and another during the week by Fr Sam Medley, a Society priest and formator. He has been introducing SOLT seminarians, studying philosophy, to the Extraordinary Form and giving them serving lessons. Also, every SOLT seminarian at the college learns Latin. 
In the ordinary form, primarily a mixture of the vernacular and latin is used. For example, sometimes the laity parts of the Mass are in Latin, and other times the Priest says the Eucharistic Prayer in Latin. On other occasions the whole Mass has been said in Latin, and on a few occasions the Priests say Mass Ad Orientem."

Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, St. Louis, MO:

This program was established by Archbishop Raymond E. Burke and is being continued by Archbishop Robert Carlson

Mass is offered in Latin with Gregorian Chant (a capella) every Friday.
OF and EF alternate.
All Souls Day is celebrated in the EF.

Every Saturday there is an English Chant Mass, usually B.V. M. on Saturday, sung a capella.
Sanctus and Agnus Dei in Latin, Our Lady’s Mass on Saturday, Mass X
Ave verum Corpus sung after Communion.
Salve, Regina (or appropriate Marian Antiphon) sung after Mass.
Other parts sung in English chant, from the Saint Louis Gradual.
Preparations are being made to sing the Introit “Salve, sancta Parens.”

On Mondays and Wednesday, the proper Vesper Hymn is sung in English, Gregorian Chant melody, from the Saint Louis Hymnal for the Hours.

On most days, except Sundays, a Low Mass (EF) is celebrated at 7:30 a.m. and 11:10 a.m.  Those who wish may attend this Mass.  The seminarians have an opportunity to practice serving.  Seminarians, faculty and staff attend as they wish.

For all who wish, complete training is available in the EF for celebrating Mass, Vespers and the Sacraments, and for learning how to serve.

Latin is taught every semester.  The first year Latin course (an elective) at the present time has an enrollment of 34 students.  The Latin texts of the both the OF and EF are explained and practiced as part of the course.

Students have asked to form a “Latin Club” to continue working on their knowledge and pronunciation of Latin for the liturgy.

A course in Gregorian Chant is available as an elective, usually once a year.

OF and EF Masses are celebrated by the Rector, and four priests who also teach in the seminary.

Fostering Gregorian Chant, the Latin liturgy and the study of liturgical and patristic Latin is one of the important responsibilities of the Institute of Sacred Music established by Archbishop Raymond L. Burke."

St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, California:

"I am a seminarian at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, California, which is run by the Sulpicians.  There is currently no training offered in either the Extraordinary Form or in the Ordinary Form with Latin.  Latin is not even offered as a course anymore (before this year it was always an elective.)  Last year the Dean of Students (who is now the Rector) told a seminarian friend of mine that there are no plans to introduce training in the EF."

Conception Seminary College, MO.

"In regards to your post about TLM training, etc., here at Conception I believe that they offer TLM once a semester…maybe. We just had one last Saturday morning, which was about 4 hours before the normal mass on Saturday. That obviously made it very unappealing to someone who had maybe never been. I was a little miffed about the time, but there were still about 20-25 of us there. I don’t know if they’re offering another next semester. As far as training goes, they wouldn’t offer something like that in college seminary, but really they don’t mention it at all here. "

St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, MN:

"St. Paul Seminary offers a monthly Mass in Latin in the ordinary form.  This Mass was added in response to Sacramentum Caritatis #63 (though only seminarians who voluntarily sing with the schola are taught about the execution of Gregorian Chant).  Once in a while there will be a schola at this Latin Mass, but it is normally done with hymns (in English or Latin) and the responsorial psalm is always sung in vernacular.  The sung ordinary is Jubilate Deo.  As for the Extraordinary Form, there is no apparent move to expose seminarians to it, or to have it taught.  I use the word "apparent" because it is not mentioned to students; however, things move slowly here and the faculty may have discussions or plans which have not yet been made known.  I know that a desire for instruction in this form of the Mass has been expressed to the faculty (perhaps not frequently), but there has been little apparent response.  Additionally, there are likely more students than those who have made requests who would learn this form of the Mass if it were available, and many seminarians here have never seen the extraordinary form."

Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, MA:

"We have been told explicitly that there will be no celebration of, nor training in the extraordinary form of the Mass at this seminary."

Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, Michigan:

Availability of Extraordinary Form Mass: No
Training for Extraordinary Form Mass: No

Ordinary Form Mass in Latin: Yes, once a week on Saturday as an option for Mass (there are two options, an 8AM Latin OF, or an 11:30AM English OF)

Availability of Extraordinary Form Mass in area: Yes
Seminarians allowed to go: Yes, as long as seminary commitments come first.

St John Vianney, Denver:

There are no scheduled EF masses. There is only one priest here who knows how to say the EF Mass. When he doesn’t have a scheduled Mass on a given day, he says a low Mass in a side chapel around 05:00. I am pretty sure he would allow anyone to assist who woke up early enough.

There is at least one (and I believe it is only one) course for saying the EF Mass. It is taught by an FSSP priest who comes in just for that.

Mount St. Mary, MD:

Last year we introduced the EF form, with training for seminarians who’s respective bishops allowed.  We had a weekly EF Mass on Tuesdays and another on Saturday. We celebrated our patronal feast, Dec. 8th, with a Missa Solemnis, with polyphonic ordinary.  It was told us that this would be the regular use for the patronal feast.

The training class was reduced to one semester, for deacons only.  The weekly EF Mass has been removed, as well as the Saturday EF.  The December 8th Mass has returned to it’s former status.  
We have an Latin OF Mass once a month on Saturday. 

Theological College at Catholic University of America:

Theological College at the Catholic University of America, DC does not offer the Extraordinary Form nor training for it (though there is one available at the National Shrine across the street), but we do have a few Latin OF masses each year and Latin mass parts and chants are a staple of the music program.

Assumption Seminary in San Antonio, TX:

Nothing at all with the TLM.  … Latin is an elective at another college, if wanted, but it is not encouraged.  Theology classes are taken at Oblate School of Theology, which is hostile to anything traditional.  … There is only one TLM in the city, but seminarians are required to stay on campus for the community Mass, meaning they cannot make it to the TLM.  Those interested must learn from DVDs and on break from the seminary.

University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, Chicago

Still nothing.

The Liturgical Institute at USML in conjunction with St. John Cantius hosts a conference in May on the extraordinary form.  It’s quite a good conference, and is conveniently scheduled immediately after the seminarians have finals, during ordination season, and/or have left for their summer assignments.  Even for those seminarians who are available and participate, it isn’t part of seminary formation.

St. Mary’s Seminary (Roland Park) in Baltimore:

St. Mary’s has not had nor does it intend to have any sort of training for the Extraordinary Form, however hostility by faculty towards the EF and more traditional practices has certainly been reduced (in fact there are even a few faculty members who have encouraged seminarians to attend the EF or to at least watch a video of it).  Many of the bishops who send seminarians here have flat out said NO to the EF.  There is a local EF mass at St. Alphonsus in downtown Baltimore on Sundays but as most seminarians are assigned to parishes for Sundays it is a rare opportunity to be able to attend.  There is no Latin Novus Ordo either, however we do have Latin mass parts usually one or two days a week.  We also chant Vespers in English for all Solemnities and Feasts.  About three years ago Latin began to be offered again as an elective, however only for one year.  There are many Seminarians who would like to be trained but it doesn’t look very promising.  St. Mary’s is also run by the Sulpicians.  



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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