I have zoomed into Seattle on my way to Vancouver.
Sadly I am stuck in the airport, but the view coming in was nice.
I have a friend who loves the mountains out here, for whom I post a couple shots from the plane.
On our way in, I looked down and saw the Concorde.
I don’t know Seattle well, but I hear nice things about the place. I would like to visit some day, and not just on the way to some other town.
I was in Seattle a few years ago, and being from the flat inner part of the USA I had sore muscles where I didn’t even know I had muscles from going up and down all those hills! I did have some form of salmon everyday….its the best!!!
When you do speak with Fr. Ryan you might point out that it is an error to hold that the Orthodox Churches use the plural instead of the singular at the opening of the Creed [and throughout]. The affirmation is not “We believe”… but “I believe…”.
What are you doing in this neck of the woods, Fr. Z?? I live halfway between Seattle and Vancouver (B.C.) Which Vancouver are you going to? Are you giving a talk or celebrating Mass somewhere?
Welcome to Seattle Fr. Z! Please stay and visit awhile longer!!!! Come back soon! The Concorde is now on display at the Museum of Flight as a permanent exhibit. Lot’s of good Chinese food to be found here too.
Any chance of a Vancouver blognic?
Mt. Rainier is beautiful and impressive. Unlike our Catholic politicians (Gregoire, Murray, Cantwell).
Rather than lunch, I think it would be more interesting if you had a chance to go to a Mass presided by Fr. Ryan at St James Cathedral. I went there when I was on a long visit in Seattle and liked it a lot – among other things, the amazing choirs, the frequent incense, and the occasional Latin. I think you might be pleasantly surprised!
Don’t drink the water or you will start listening to Pearl Jam and using giant puppets at Mass!
Here’s where he’ll be, in case an locals want to come by:
The Vancouver Traditional Mass Society will hold its AGM on Sunday 13 December, in the hall of Holy Family Church after the High Mass. Our guest speaker is Father John Zuhlsdorf (better known as ‘Fr. Z’), whose award-winning blog What Does the Prayer Really Say? provides ‘slavishly accurate liturgical translations and frank commentary on Catholic issues’. Fr. Z’s columns also appear in the Catholic newspaper The Wanderer. VTMS members and non-members are cordially invited. A light lunch will be provided. If you plan to attend, please confirm; contact the parish office for contact details.
I lived in Western Washington (Whidbey Island) for 3 years while serving in the Navy. It was beautiful. Being originally a native New Yorker, Seattle was relatively tame and pretty enjoyable. Some people aren’t fond of the rainy weather, but for me, I personally prefer it over too much sunshine. Summers never seemed to get too hot in Washington and I never had a problem with mosquitoes. The fishing was awesome!
Welcome to Seattle Father! (however briefly)
For those who would like to hear Fr.Z at Holy Family Parish in Vancouver, BC, Canada (not Vancouver, Wash. I just put that in because it is a not infrequent confusion in these parts), the address is 4851 Beatrice St., near E.33rd and Victoria St. Father will speak after the 10:30 Mass. As Bill Wiens says, please phone and let us know that you’re coming. If you can’t make it, just try to curb your envy of us lucky folks.
Don’t forget, Father—if you’re in Seattle for more than just a layover, you can also visit the Church of the North American Martyrs, and her administrator, Rev. Fr. Gerard Saguto, FSSP.
Breck: I’ve been trying to curb my envy ever since I found out. Hopefully pictures will be posted. Anyways, Father Z, my prayers are with you and with all those at Holy Family this weekend.
And to think I was just in BC doing some skiing at Whistler over the weekend. If I had known I would have planned my trip a little better to include seeing Father!
@cmm re: St. James liturgy. Fr. Z might possibly have heartburn with the misuse of aesthetics.
Music: I concur. The Cathedral’s choirs and musicians are exceptional. Their “Great Music for Great Cathedrals” CD is a pure joy to listen to, especially the Ave Maria by Biebl.
Incense: Excessive. Supernumeraries in flowing white robes sinuously waving bowls of incense remind me of something an outre Episcopalian cathedral might stage. I hate to see it in a Catholic setting.
Latin: I won’t be ungrateful that they at least try to include some Latin.
Bottom line: the smells and bells pale in importance when the leadership expresses the kind of dissident spirit that spoke in the America article. I think if the liturgy at St. James drew less attention to itself, it would be truer to what it should be.
Are these photos contemporaneous? Really: blue skies in December? I spent a hard year in Portland, and only saw the sun in the late spring and summer. But there are good priests up there, much more than in sunny climates in America…
Funny – I’ll be there this weekend!
Yeah, the view is nice. Til you fly past a mountain that’s higher than the plane. That was a little disconcerting.
Ooo! You’re in Bigfoot Country!
As a priest of the Archdiocese of Seattle, I’m disappointed you could not tarry with us also. Next time perhaps. And Fr. Ryan, with whom I do not agree, is personally a charming and gracious man, with whom conversation always is possible. Having myself presided often at Masses at St. James Cathedral, I am always at peace during the liturgy, knowing that all ministers care deeply about their role and will do their job well–something I don’t always get at my own parish, I confess. There used to be a very officious sacristan at the Cathedral who always instructed me in the “correct” conduct of the Mass: I took him off Fr. Ryan’s hands, and he now, as paid staff at my own parish, continues to “instruct” me: right or wrong :) !
Vancouver, BC or Vancouver, WA? There are two, you know… :-)
It has been clear all week in the Pacific Northwest, and bitterly cold. It is finally warming a bit here in Oregon. We’re up to 23 this morning. :-/
Safe trip and a good conference, Father Z!
[wish you could come to Upstate NY and give a retreat or conference!]
I have been to Vancouver visiting my relatives who live in the Burnaby area. Vancouver is a beautiful city with superb Chinese restaurants. If you get to Chinatown, visit the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden (578 Carrall Street). I think you’ll enjoy it.
Hope you have a safe and enjoyable visit.
Father, I look forward to the day when you could come to visit Seattle.
I’m glad you got a sunny view of the mountains.
Matthew in Vancouver, Fr. Z. has a reply to your ‘blognic’ suggestion. It is posted under the Story ’15 Catholic Senators Vote Against Nelson Amendment’. Fr. Z. posted at 12:15 on Dec. 11. Thought I would let you know.