At the airport off to Philadelphia. Security was a ZOO, but within it is rather calm. Go figure.
Many people here had to change flights because of snow on the east coast of the USA.
With that in mind I am told that the snow may be bringing down the roof where I will be staying. Oy veh.
Meanwhile, I can assure you all that I DO have my phone, for I am posting from it.
St. Anthony probably won’t need to hear from us today.
Prayers for your safe travels, Father. If I may, go to Catholic Vote Action and see the super video posted. Parody-Hitler rails against PBXVI.
Safe travels too, Fr. Z. Hope you get to your destination without too much aggravation.
Velcro that phone to your forehead, Father. We have bigger fish to fry than prayers for lost techno-gadgets!
Fr. Z,
Do you have some sort of script on your website that makes it play music if it’s left open for a long time?
Every once in a while, my computer spontaneously breaks into song… in the past, it’s frequently been Chant, but this time it started out with some French love song and then moved on to “Get Rhythm” by Johnny Cash.
It seems to stop when I close your blog (which is often left open in some background window with my other frequently visited sites).
I’ve enjoyed the music, but I started to seriously consider the possibility of supernatural tampering with my laptop… ;)
The same thing happens to me!
Today it was definitely not chant!
Safe travels Father and welcome back to the Garden State. While I live at the NYC end of the 95 corridor I hope to be able to trek to Philadelphia during your visit. And if the blog is going to drift from chant to Johnny Cash might I suggest a little “Ring of Fire”?
Welcome back! You missed the blizzard.
Stay safe. Prayers are with you.
Welcome to Philadelphia, Fr. Zuhlsdorf. I have lived here for almost seven years and love it. (I’m originally from New Jersey.) May the Lefebvrists join the Zuhlsdorfers in extending good will. I know that you have much to offer traditional Catholics.