PODCAzT 106: John Henry Newman’s kindly light

In this PODCAzT we will drill into the Collect designated for the Memorial of soon-to-be Blessed John Henry Newman (+1890).

I have as a surprise, a guest appearance by Fr. Timothy Finigan, who will read one of Newman’s famous works.

We drill into the phrase "kindly light" and also the epitaph for Newman’s grave.

Then we hear the excerpt from the Apologia Pro Vita Sua chosen for the Office of Readings for Newman’s Memorial.

Along the way, I comment.



And don’t forget:

105 10-06-24 Augustine on the Baptist; don Camillo (Part VIII)
104 10-05-28 A glimpse of heaven, “the Love that moves the sun and other stars”
103 10-05-24 The new translation of the 2nd Eucharist Prayer; Fr. Z digresses and rants
102 10-05-21 Exploring the new English translation of the Roman Canon; voicemail

Deus, qui beátum Ioánnem Henrícum, presbýterum,
lumen benígnum tuum sequéntem
pacem in Ecclésia tua inveníre contulísti,
concéde propítius,
ut, eius intercessióne et exémplo,
ex umbris et imagínibus
in plenitúdinem veritátis tuae perducámur


O God, who granted blessed John Henry,
a priest following Your kindly light,
to find peace in Your Church,
graciously vouchsafe,
by his intercession and example,
that we may be drawn from shadows and shades
into the fullness of Your truth.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. GoZagsGo says:

    Well Father, since I’m a huge fan of Ven. John Henry Newman, I figured I would give your podcast a whirl. This is the first time I listened to one of your podcasts and I was pleasantly surprised! Well spoken, clear, and quite fascinating! Thank you!

  2. wanda says:

    Thank you, Fr. Z. for the lovely podcast and for the teaching about Ven. John Henry Newman. Very touching, the hymn is beautiful, I think I’ve seen that one in one of my books. I must check it out. Thanks also, Fr. Finigan!

  3. Geremia says:

    Read his works here. His Idea of a University is so far my favorite, but I have heard his Development of Christian Doctrine and Grammar of Assent are very good, too.

  4. Supertradmum says:

    I worked on Newman for years for my thesis. “Lead Kindly Light” is written in the back of my breviary, I love it so much. It is actually in the older version of the English Catholic breviary, with the hymns and poems.

    All his works, including his sermons and prayers, plus meditations, are worth the time. And, when visiting England, one must see his rooms at Littlemore, where the great man became a Catholic. Also, an interesting site is http://newmansociety.blogspot.com/ and there are some interesting photos of the Sarum Rite on this page.

    Another interesting site is http://www.newmanfriendsinternational.org/newman/?page_id=8

  5. AnAmericanMother says:


    Newman’s Apologia played a major part in my conversion (along with Pope Pius XII and St. Anthony of Padua, go figure).

    His mind is clear as water and strong as wine.

  6. rakesvines says:

    I wonder if AA got their “living one day at a time” from “one step enough for me”

  7. Leguleius says:

    I am sure it is a simple oversight, but I believe it is “find peace in Your church…”

  8. Agnes says:

    Perhaps one of my favorite soon-to-be saints. I can’t wait! And yes, lead kindly light. Lead Thou me on.

  9. irishgirl says:

    Excellent podcast as always, Father Z-and thanks, too, for Father Finigan’s contribution as well! I always love hearing English-accented voices! And a little ‘Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis’ thrown in for good measure too!

    What an interesting version of ‘Lead, Kindly Liight’ that was played at the beginning-who composed the tune for it? I also like Frank Patterson’s rendition. Gave me the chills!

    I can’t wait for the beatification! Pray for England, soon-to-be Blessed John Henry!

    I echo Agnes’ sentiments….lead, kindly light…lead Thou me on.

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