I have had a few notes from readers complaining about the mobile theme view of the blog.
I have tried a couple different solutions in the last month. For the most part, they work pretty well for me.
I am willing to try another solution, such as WPtouch 2.0, … which isn’t free, btw. Pitch in if you want me to try a new mobile theme solution.
It’s been pretty good on mobile lately – a clean layout of recent threads, good for easy scrolling, selection of links, and reading; without having to zoom in and out. (I use the LG droid)
There was something wrong in the last day or two – large bold print saying the site wouldn’t load – but it’s working fine again today.
The only drawback is that it is currently a little clunky switching back and forth between the mobile and regular configurations – but that could be something in my phone settings.
Father Z,
I just sent a note to you this morning about this, THEN checked the latest blog entries and found this topic. As such, I apologize if I wasted you time with my note.
Thank you for putting out this blog in ANY format!
Michael Val
(who is glad to see the “ask Father question box” back up and operating in some form)
This is much better on my I-touch now. The last few days the mobile version has not been working very well for me at all. I really like the look and functionality of the mobile version today. It was a little confusing figuring out how to log in and leave comments, but now that I did it once it will be easy to do.
I like what you use or have been using. It allows the iPad to see the site as is and not in some mobile view.
I have not been able to open WDTPRS with the default RIM browser on my Blackberry for several weeks. I’ve been using the Opera Mini browser instead. I was able to open this version in the default browser but it took several minutes to load and I couldn’t do anything else on my BB while it loaded. I’ll keep using Opera to view this blog.
Patikins: Perhaps you might try clearing your browsers cache and then reloading. I would be surprised if you cannot see the mobile theme.
I just gave that a try, Father, but it still times out after several minutes. “The page you requested could not be loaded; it is too large for the device.” It loads quickly (a few seconds) in Opera Mini.
I can’t wait until my contract is up (next summer) so I can get a different phone!
It has been working fine on my Palm Treo with the Palm OS.
The old version worked fine on my Motorola Q phone, but current version is useless. There is a current tendency to consider the latest iPhone to be the proper target for “mobile” applications, which just goes to show you that most web programmers would fit right in on any trendy liturgy committee.