On The Road: back in Manhattan… some views and news

I rose at oh dark hundred this morning, did my chores, and headed to the airport.

Off through the LSD TUNNEL OF LIBERAL NEW AGE LOVE in the Detroit airport.

Our approach into NYC.

A great view of the park.

To supper.  A sort of belated birthday thing, I think.

We went to place called Via Emilia in the Flatiron District.  They had good portions and good prices.  GREAT Lambrusco.   The staff was also very accommodating when we had a seating concern.  The decor… blech.  Food/price … thumbs up.


One of the Chilean miners came in just as we were going out.  There were some very oddly dressed people out there tonight.  Who knew?

The management of the Empire State Building ignored Mother Theresa, but they are willing to go pumpkin for Halloween.

Off to Eataly for dessert.

I won’t show you the ice cream.  It wouldn’t be fair.

But the coffee was good.

Not quite like the real thing but very close.

I stopped at the fish counter to look for squid ink.  (They have it.)

Say hi to the fish guys.

White and black truffles came in today!  The profumo is spectacular.

Here are some of the white.  I remember buying some one say from a guy along the road near Arezzo.

After a chat, he gave us a close up whiff.  Heaven will be like this.

Say hi to the truffle guy.

Now I get to watch Pres. Bush’s old team beat Barry Bonds’ old team.

Just right.

Tomorrow…  Solemn TLM at Holy Innocents in Manhattan at 10 am.  I understand the distinguished English blogger and “blood crazed ferret” Damian Thompson may be there.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    Just for the record, Father, my otherwise level-headed 14 year old thinks you’re backing the wrong team. Of course, we now live downwind of ATT park. Wasn’t it formerly Candlestick park?

  2. ghp95134 says:


    When you visit shops like the above and take photos, do the owners/workers ever ask you for a blessing? Just curious.


  3. Not many business owners think of that. They should!

  4. J Kusske says:

    That Detroit airport passageway reminds me rather strongly of the Dr. Who credits sequence–I can just imagine the spooky music rolling in the background!

  5. BigRed says:

    Blessings on your celebration of the TLM on the feast of Christ the King. A recent convert, I consider the feast of Christ the King as my anniversary in the True Faith. The first mass I attended after making the decision to convert was a Solemn Mass, with all of the bells and smells, and Benediction! My wife, the cradle Catholic, said to me “They are bringing out the big guns!”. I turned my hand to the plow and have not looked back.
    Speaking of lasagna, I just returned from 10 days in Italy. At a vineyard in Tuscany I dined on lasagna made with rabbit (finely ground) and a bechamel sauce (roux made with olive oil). It was sublime.

  6. As for the Detroit Airport tunnel of peace and love, are they at least playing some Beatle’s White Album or George Harrison sitar music?

    As for the Chilean miner, I was ready to say, “Who ya’ gonna call? Ghostbusters!”

  7. Supertradmum says:

    In an elevator yesterday, a man was dressed in costume with a Howard Stern wig, some black robe and many crosses. I asked “What are you?” He answered, “I am supposed to be a dead priest.” Iowa has weirdos as well as NYC. Would love some truffles.

    Have a great day and go Texas!

  8. Margaret says:

    @Chris– actually, no. Candlestick Park is not AT&T Park. Candlestick is now called “Monster Park” on paper (although I don’t know if anyone actually uses the name.) Candlestick practically in Daly City, off to the right as you approach the city from the south on 101, whereas AT&T is smack dab in the city proper. The 49ers still play at Candlestick, and will continue until they build their newly-approved stadium down in Santa Clara…

  9. ghp95134 says:

    I voted against the 49ers move to Santa Clara — the traffic would be disruptive (I live about 3 miles from Great America).

    –Grumpy Guy

  10. TomB says:

    FYI, pictures 2,3,4,7-13 are displayed sideways on iPad but not on Mac Book Pro or WebOS/Palm Pre.

  11. Charivari Rob says:

    Nice photos, Father.

    Depending on the timing, I may have crossed paths with you (or crossed under your (flight) path). About 1:30 pm I was just off the border of your photos, driving from the GWB up past the Cloisters, into the Bronx, and on home to New England.

    By the way, is that an R10-series droid dispensing the coffee? Are they as good at French Roast as the R2-series droids are at hyperspace navigation and hyperdrive maintenance?

  12. Margaret says:

    @Grumpy– My DH & I voted against it too… I don’t think the traffic will affect us too badly, but I’m very concerned the stadium will lead to the shutdown of Great America, which provides a nice, steady stream of tax revenues to the city and summer jobs for the high school and college kids.

  13. Desertfalcon says:

    I want that coffee maker for my kitchen. I go through allot of coffee…

  14. irishgirl says:

    I like your photos, Father Z! Wish I could be in NYC for the Mass and meet ‘the blood-crazed ferret’, Damian Thompson.
    You had great weather on landing!

  15. jilly4ski says:

    I was in the Detroit airport this weekend too! Though I was there Friday and Sunday. I must say, that I prefer the Detroit tunnel to the Neon lights with weird music tunnel in Chicago.

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