What the Cardinals will discuss/listen to at the consistory

I suppose one way to glean that the Anglican Ordinariates are actually going to happen is by way of this news.   Also there is a liturgical note.

The persistent Anna Arco has this:

Cardinals to discuss Church reactions to sexual abuse and the Ordinariate

By Anna Arco on Monday, 8 November 2010

A day of reflection and prayer ahead of the consistory of cardinals will focus on the abuse crisis, Ordinariates and religious freedom in the world.

Cardinals from around the world have been invited to take part in a day of reflection and prayer before the consistory on November 20.

The talks on the state of religious liberty in the world will be introduced by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State, while Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera of the Congregation of Divine Worship will introduce discussion on the role of liturgy in the life of the Church.

In the evening, after vespers, the cardinals will discuss 10 years of Dominus Iesus [If you have not read this, do so now.] led by Archbishop Angelo Amato, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which will be followed by discussions on “The Church’s response to cases of sexual abuse” and the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, led by Cardinal William Levada, Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Vatican announced the day of reflection on the day that five Church of England bishops officially announced their resignations and their intentions to join an Ordinariate when it is established in Britain.

This is quite a list of issues.  They won’t be able to drill into any of them very deeply, but it is not nothing.

There are many important things to discuss in the life of the Church.  I note that the topic of the “new evangelization” was not on the list as reported.  I wonder if this would not be subsumed in some way under the issue of liturgy.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TomG says:

    Regarding Dominus Iesus: Fr. Z. is right – it absolutely should be read – and re-read every couple of years or so. It is a wonderful gift to the Church – and to the family of humankind.

  2. Prof. Basto says:

    It seems that two subjects will be “discussed” by the Cardinals and three others will be the object of “communications” delivered by Curial Prelates to the Cardinals.

    The “discussions” will take place during the day (between 9:30 and 17 hours). The discussions will open and close with the Liturgy of the Hours. The first discussion will be on the theme of religious liberty, and will be introduced by a report from Card. Bertone, the Secretary of State. The second discussion will be introduced by Card. Cañizares, Prefect of the CDWDS, and will focus on the Liturgy on the life of the Church today.

    After the conclusion of the discussions and the celebration of Vespers at 17:00 hours, three communications will be made: the first on the subject of the 10th anniversary of Dominus Iesus, by Archbishop (“Cardinal-designate”) Amato, former CDF Secretary and Prefect of the Causes of Saints; the second will be on the response of the Church to the sexual abuse crisis; the third will be on the Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus (the last two communications will be delivered by Cardinal Levada, the CDF Prefect).

    Here is the official communiqué of the Holy See Press Office on the “Day of Reflexion and Prayer of the College of Cardinals” that was summoned by the Pope to take place on November 19th next (also with the participation of the prelates that are to be created Cardinals the next day).

    According to the Press Release, on October 30th last, letters of invitation signed by Card. Sodano, Dean of the Sacred College, were issued to all Cardinals (electors and non electors) and to the prelates that are set to be raised to the Cardinalate. Here is the HSPO announcement published in the Bolletino:


    Con lettera del 30 ottobre, il Decano del Collegio Cardinalizio, S.Em.za il Card. Angelo Sodano, ha informato tutti i membri del Collegio e i nuovi Cardinali eletti che – prima della celebrazione del Concistoro Ordinario Pubblico del prossimo 20 novembre – il Santo Padre li invita a partecipare il giorno precedente, venerdì 19 novembre, a una “giornata di riflessione e di preghiera”, che si svolgerà presso l’Aula nuova del Sinodo dei Vescovi in Vaticano, il cui programma è il seguente

    Ore 9.30, celebrazione dell’Ora Media. Nella mattina vi saranno due temi di discussione: la situazione della libertà religiosa nel mondo e nuove sfide (con Relazione introduttiva del Cardinale Segretario di Stato, Tarcisio Bertone) e la Liturgia nella vita della Chiesa oggi (con Introduzione del Prefetto della Congregazione per il Culto Divino e la Disciplina dei Sacramenti, Card. Antonio Cañizares Llovera).

    Ore 17, celebrazione dei Vespri. Successivamente vi saranno tre Comunicazioni: la prima “A dieci anni dalla Dominus Iesus” (dell’Arcivescovo Angelo Amato, Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi); la seconda “Risposta della Chiesa ai casi di abusi sessuali” e la terza sulla Costituzione “Anglicanorum coetibus” (ambedue del Card. William Joseph Levada, Prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede).

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