I received this from a rep at EWTN:
Dear Father,
This was just released on our Official EWTN Facebook page:
“Please be advised that contrary to some recent comments on the internet there has been no change in Mother Angelica’s condition. She is happy to have your prayers and is looking forward her 88th birthday next month”
God Bless,
Gus Federle
Manager of Volunteer Support
EWTN Global Catholic Network
WDTPRS wishes Mother Angelica warm and prayerful best wishes!
Perhaps you readers know more, but I spotted this on Twitter. It is all I know.
Pls keep Mother Angelica of EWTN in your prayers, death seems near, preparations underway. May comfort and peace guide her to His Arms!
I don’t know what is behind this. No matter… it is always good to pray for someone like Mother Angelica!
God bless dear Mother Angelica.
will pray Rosary now.
Prayers. God bless and keep her.
Praying. May the Good Lord bless her and keep her in his loving care.
Praying. In her biography by Raymond Arroyo, her attention to her mother and her friend, Sister Raphael at their deaths was beautiful.
There are many crises in the Church and in the Church in America no doubt. But, if it wasn’t for EWTN and Mother Angelica, things would be even more problematic. I will certainly pray for her. EWTN is a vehicle of God’s grace for so many people; it was an instrument in my own vocation.
Friday is the Feast of the Annunciation. “Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.”
Thank you, Mother Angelica, for giving yourself to the Lord and allowing Him to work such great things through you!
EWTN reported on Twitter that there has been no change in Mother Angelica’s condition. Of course, prayers for Mother Angelica are always a good thing.
Sorry for the second post, but here’s another Twitter post from EWTN that makes it clearer that Mother Angelica is OK.
My heartfelt prayers added for Mother Angelica
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Medical condition or no, Mother Angelica deserves prayers by the tankerload.
This just came through my news feed on Facebook from EWTN:
“Please be advised that contrary to some recent comments on the internet there has been no change in Mother Angelica’s condition. She is happy to have your prayers and is looking forward her 88th birthday next month.”
Thanks be to God she’s ok. What a soul!
I received this from a rep at EWTN:
WDTPRS wishes Mother Angelica warm and prayerful best wishes!
That Cardinal Mahoney is such a prankster!
Continuing prayers of thanksgiving. Mother Angelica is an amazing person who has given us so much. I’ve always had utmost admiration and affection for her, but did not realize until this afternoon how very much she means to me.
St. Michael the Archangel is by her side. Our Lord will continue to bless His faithful daughter and comfort her in the sufferings she bears for Him.
I first saw this on SpiritDaily.com yesterday, and I thought, ‘Oh, no-not Mother Angelica!’
Thanks for getting the update, Father Z!
Whatever her condition, prayers are always a good idea! I feel certain though, that if she were near death, she would be as unshaken as she always is. Those such as Mother Angelica don’t fear death, but appraoch it with the same faith that they approach every day. I wish I were able to be so strong!