I wrote this yesterday, and sent it to the blog from my phone, but it just didn’t post.
Yesterday I was at a luncheon held by priests for a friend of many years, Fr. George Welzbacher, who is today celebrating his 60th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.
From time to time I have posted items from his “Pastor’s Page”.
Fr. Welzbacher is one of the smartest men I have ever met, one of the finest gentlemen in the true sense I have ever met, and one of the best priests I have ever met.
Please, kind readers, say a prayer for Fr. Welzbacher, and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood.
The priesthood must be good for your health, for this man does not look like he’s old enough to have been a priest for 60 years!
I am going to the ordination of two men to the priesthood, and two to the diaconate this Saturday. Our diocese is being blessed with vocations. May God be praised.
The Pope’s prayer intentions for this month are for priests:
‘Ad Multos Annos’ to Father Welzbacher (hey, that’s a good German name!)!
I agree with Miss Anita-he doesn’t look old enough to be a priest for 60 years!
And he was ordained in the same year as a fellow German, our Holy Papa Benedict! Very cool!
Fr. Welzbacher has been in my prayers since I had him as teacher in college. One of my favorites!!! Smart is an understatment…btw, he hasn’t changed in looks since 1994.
O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and
fervent priests;
for Your unfaithful and tepid
for Your priests laboring at home or
abroad in distant mission fields;
for Your tempted priests;
for Your lonely and desolate priests;
for Your young priests;
for Your dying priests;
for the souls of Your priests in
But above all I recommend to You
the priests dearest to me:
the priest who baptized me;
the priest who absolved me from my
the priests at whose Masses I
assisted and who gave me Your
Body and Blood in Holy
the priests who taught and instructed
all the priests to whom I am indebted
in any other way.
O Jesus, keep them all close to Your
heart, and bless them abundantly in
time and in eternity. Amen.
St. Therese of Lisieux
I wish Fr. Welzbacher a Happy Anniversary! Ad Multos Annos!
Axios! God grant him many happy and blessed years!