How is your coffee supply? Your tea supply?
Don’t forget the Wyoming Carmelites!
They have made a special page to group together their autumn-themed flavored coffees. I am not so much into the flavored versions, but I have seen that quite a few people using my link – always use my link, by the way – are ordering them.
You can also get monthly subscriptions. That must help them enormously, because it could help them budget.
Mystic Monk Coffee!
It’s swell!
Pumpkin spice?!?! Ahhhh be still my heart!
Thank you for the reminder, Father. This was on my list for today and had slipped my mind. Yes, I used your link.
Has anyone tried the fall flavors? Any reviews?
I am waiting on my order, cinnamon coffee cake and their signature blend. Their coffee is delicious and I give a monthly donation to the Carmelites every month. It is so heartening to see their young vocations!
Praise be Jesus Christ!
My coffee supply is quite good, as my parents brought me more boxes of my favorite American imported Eco-friendly coffee.
That said, the mystic monk midnight vigil blend is calling my name, as I sense I’ll be pulling a few “midnight vigils” until convocation. I keep meaning to order some, but the hassle of having to call first to get a shipping price keeps causing me to procrastinate. But if I wasn’t such a procrastinator, I wouldn’t need any mystic monk coffee to help me through the all nighters.
I ordered the “Monks 4 Favorites” last week. I look forward to trying their coffee.
I’m not a flavored coffee guy myself but my wife and I bought a bag of Rum Royal Pecan decaf for when we have guests over and it smelled so good we went through the entire bag ourselves in a few days. And I can also highly recommend the Hermit’s Blend, which I drink every morning. FWIW we buy whole bean and grind it ourselves.
The Monks have a very good product.
Just threw 3 bags on the 44# meat scale. I have 1.5 lbs left (including packaging)
Cinnamon Coffee Cake?!?! Wonders never cease! That is a must try if I ever saw one!!
If they only still had the pink hoodie…I am a hoodie junkie with a huge collection of hoodies from different organizations and my pink Mystic Monk hoodie has seen better days; it is a few years old. The FSSP doesn’t have one either — Siiigghh, I am stuck with black and brown, but with some uber delicious coffee to make up for it :-)
God bless
Catherine-the Carmelite monks sell hoodies? Ooo, that’s cool!
I wish that the FSSP would sell them, too! If I had the money, I’d buy one in a trice!
And if I also had the money, I’d help the monks and buy their tea! (not much of a coffee drinker except when I’m ‘on the road’)