Prayer Before Using The Internet HERE
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Daily Prayer for Priests HERE
Daily Offering HERE
When our Una Voce group wrote to our bishop of the armed forces, he wrote back a one line letter saying that the armed forces were not the appropriate place for implementation of SP. I wonder what he’d say of this?
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Why would the bishop say what he said? I bet he doesn’t remember what chaplains like Father Emil Kapaun (Servant of God) did during the Korean War-he certainly did the TLM!
OORAH to the picture here, indeed!
A) This is a wonderful thing to see. God bless this priest for all he does!
B) If you go on Rorate, you’ll see that Steve Jobs has been enrolled in the list of souls, at least twice that I could see. I’m glad people are remembering to pray for him.
I have prayed a plenary indulgence for Steve Jobs. He seemed a good candidate. We should daily pray for the souls in Purgatory. What a brave and wonderful priest, but it broke my heart to see those young men with him-they all look the age of my son.
A resounding Devil Dog “OOH_RAH” indeed.
Semper Fi!
Glad to see that the EF is not a “don’t ask, don’t tell” thing in the military. :)
According to this excellent padre, the (British) squaddies prefer the EF because it is straightforward and soldierly, in contrast to the wordy, touchy-feely and (dare I say it?) feminine OF.
My husband was deployed to Kyrgyzstan and Baghdad, once a week a traveling Priest celebrated Holy Mass in the makeshift chapel tent.
I made sure to include some baked goodies for him in my husband’s care packages :)
I just heard Mark Steyn sitting in for Rush on the radio mention an American report on religious freedoms which stated that the last Christian church had been razed in Afghanistan last year — on OUR watch. Never, never forget our poor troops at their thankless task and never, ever forget just WHO was in that cave with Mohammed. Can’t you hear his laughter as the country of 9/11 slaughter makes the world safe for SHARIA?
Glad to see that the EF is not a “don’t ask, don’t tell” thing in the military. :)
One thing I learned from the Jesuits I had in high school is that it’s often easier to ask for forgiveness afterwards, than for permission beforehand. ;-)
This story reminds me of something from earlier in the year.
This year on Memorial Day, I offered a Mass for the Dead at our parish cemetery. We have a very old parish cemetery with a beautiful crucifixion scene and spot for Holy Mass. The wind picked up a bit and folks wanted to pack up and head to the church. As I was about to concede to the wind, an older gentleman said loudly–and definitively–that the last time he had been at an outdoor Mass for the Dead was during WWII and it was on the hood of a Jeep. He let us know that we wouldn’t be going anywhere. I expect to see him again in a couple of weeks for the Mass of the Dead and the sprinkling of Holy Water at the cemetery.
So fantastic! I have three siblings in the Military (two in Japan, and one who was in Iraq) and they always wished they could have the EF!
This is good news.
Maybe they could try it in Iraq. Just because they reject Christianity over there doesn’t mean they wouldn’t accept Latin. :)