Latin language breakfast group

From Catholic News Service comes a little video about … I am not making this up … Latin.

A few priests are interested in keep some Latin going.  The short also speaks about Veterum sapientia, about which I wrote – nay, rather, spoke –  HERE.


I think it would be fun to have a Latin language breakfast group, ne pereat!

BTW… the priest at the end took over a lot of Fr. Foster’s work at the Secretariat of State.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. philologus says:

    Apud iuventutem hodiernam revera surgit desiderium Latinae discendae, quae enim illis aliquid fascinans ac mirificum esse videtur. Nam abest hac generatione istud odium rerum antiquarum, quod quibusdam in saeculis videtur consurgere quasi monstrum furens ac terribile ex aquis aliter serenis ac inturbatis. Quare illa linqua, quam permulti mortuam appellant, iuvenes excitet, fortasse quaeratur. Hoc modo respondeam. Nunc tempus spiritualis videmus inquietis. Fides, veritas, spes omniter afficiuntur impetibus vitiosis. Ecclesiae traditiones, linguis Graeca ac Latina inclusis, quae sunt vere “mos maiorum”, sanitatem ac serenitatem illis abundanter ac liberaliter praebent, qui divitias spiritus ac mentis tantas aliter invenire nequierunt.

  2. discerningguy says:

    What a fantastic and extremely refreshing video! It makes you really wonder why we have so much liturgical and cultural immaturity in the Church today, and invigorates young men discerning, like myself.

  3. Liz says:


  4. Pingback: Fish on Fridays… « The Back of the World

  5. FrJohn says:

    FYI, Fr. Dan Gallagher is a priest of the Diocese of Gaylord Michigan and, before his position at the Vatican, was the former Latin instructor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary of Detroit, Michigan. Wonderful man! Wonderful priest! God willing, he will one day become a Bishop!

  6. momoften says:

    My son had a conversation with Monsigner Gallagher in Rome about the same things over coffee this fall. He also served Mass for him. He is as Fr John says, a wonderful man, and priest. Yes, notice he is now Monsigner!

  7. lucy says:

    This video does a heart good! I particularly noted the ages of the priests. Fr. makes a great point in the video about all the bishops of the world being able to communicate in one language.

  8. Scott Olsson says:

    Scotus Philologo sd,

    Utinam denuo Latinitas florescat! Quamvis nonnulla iam obstent quominus omnino illa vivat, quaedam nunc sunt causae, ut recte scripsisti, cur liceat his diebus speremus.


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